Thanks for all the feedback with the new forums. I’m keeping a running tally of all the bugs, requests, etc and I’m going to track my progress on fixing them here – if you have additional bug/feature requests please feel free to post below or submit a help ticket
Internet explorer 6 is buggy!
Fix search/advanced search
Email notification of replies to your thread
Return to discussion link at top and bottom of a thread
**Latest post arrow on thread list page**
Homepage listing of new threads
Bookmarking saving threads
**Who's Online**
Member location in post info
See who's posting missing on IE
Inline remotely hosted images
View all messages in a thread
Member name who's being replied to
Make all old images from old forums visible.
Advanced Search: fix date popups (initial search)
**Funky line breaks**
**Threading options for archives to determine who's replying to who.**
Are you going to update the photo resource section too? The picture size limit is really tiny. And the whole procedure is confusing (and I’ve posted a few of these!). Any way to make it as easy as the forum?
The “last post in thread” arrow on the main Forum page.
The “see your post” option when you “Post Comment”
Where are all the colored fonts and different sizes n shit? It was fun when some people would post in all bold, or all blue or all red. LOL. You can tell a lot about a man who posts in bold every post. LOL
It’s actually pretty easy. If you’re logged in, click on “My Account” in the upper right of any page. Once in there, you should see three tabs. View, Edit, Track
Click the Edit tab. The second box down is an form element that lets you upload an image. Make sure you hit submit at the bottom…
Hey–couple other things I thought of–through experience just now…
-PM searching- for a particular post from a particular party- is malfunctioning in that my handle is coming up as the TO party when I try to sift through my SENT PMs-
-also the PM views is way too few PMs at a time–it’s like 10 at a time-
-it would be really great if you could pull all the PMs to or from a particular poster somehow-
-it would be great if the old threads on the site could be sorted some way into calendar years-
Aloha Mike, It would also be nice that after you reply that the webapge went back to the discussions page instead of back to the post. Plus now it’s like I lost my long time standing and am starting over again.Aloha Kokua