New Light Weight Home Depot Blue Foam!!!

I got all I could carry.

That is by far THE BEST picture i think i have seen on swaylocks! could you even drive? looks like you would bottom out hitting a piece of gravel

Man, better get some friends to sit on your hood while you drive!! What type of foam is that (XPS/EPS???)

Please tell us that’s not you!!!

But…if it is…I have some great, tropical, ocean front property in North Dakota that I’d sell you reeeeaaaallllllll cheap! ;)~

don’t worry…that pic has been circulating for quite some time…although the “new lightweight blue foam” title makes it even better…thanks for the laugh…bravo.


Thank You Belly Much

Sr Pato

That photo is fake. There is NO WAY an IHOP would have a desserted parking lot at that time of day. :slight_smile:

What a great picture… Thank god he got the lightweight stuff, imagine the heavy stuff

sorry to dig up and old thread, but i just found this. this pic is real!!
