new resin?

anyone see the article in the new surfer mag on the kid who’s come up with a (supposedly) much superior resin? it almost sounds too good to be true. if it is really better it’s another great example of the small guy, unafraid to shake it up, redefines an industry. in the article he says he began working on a better foam and asked the guys at clark why they didn’t use a certain chemical(which would improve the blank) and they wouldn’t but that he was just a high school student into chemistry. it’s a cool little article, i wonder if this is one of the big breakthroughs in materials that everyone’s been saying will be the next big thing.his name is Mark Tolan. calls the resin DHP (durable high performance). stronger than epoxy, just as light, better flex memeory, repairs with reg resin, and almost totally non toxic. sounds gnarly…

anyone see the article in the new surfer mag on the kid who’s come up > with a (supposedly) much superior resin? it almost sounds too good to be > true. if it is really better it’s another great example of the small guy, > unafraid to shake it up, redefines an industry. in the article he says he > began working on a better foam and asked the guys at clark why they didn’t > use a certain chemical(which would improve the blank) and they wouldn’t > but that he was just a high school student into chemistry. it’s a cool > little article, i wonder if this is one of the big breakthroughs in > materials that everyone’s been saying will be the next big thing.his name > is Mark Tolan. calls the resin DHP (durable high performance). stronger > than epoxy, just as light, better flex memeory, repairs with reg resin, > and almost totally non toxic. sounds gnarly… Which Mag…Surfer…Surfing…What page?

I wonder what the deal is what the special curing room required to utilitize this resin? Maybe there has to be a set temp range to work? I dunno but it sounds very cool.

Discovered this news - this morning - myself! Unbelieveable!..just goes to show you that where there’s a will there’s a way. The fact that the formulation came from a 21-year old “kid” (mark tolan actually started working on the new resin a few years earlier!) is all the more fantastic!.. it is a testament to drive and creativity - regardless of one’s age… (it’s all relative). The article is in the design forum of the new SURFER magazine. The resin is supposedly stronger than epoxy, but is just as light…and, get this…essentially non-toxic! (oh,… do I hope!). What a great head on this kid’s shoulders!.. the article ends with a comment to the effect that he can’t wait for someone to come up with something even newer than his own development…because we’ll ALL benefit from it. Now THERE is a young man with the (absolutely) right attitude! Hats off to you, Mark!!!

Just hope that Dow,Rev.Chem,or sylmar doesn’t buy the formula and deep six it!Herb.