New to the borad

Just thought I would say hello. I live in St. Augustine Florida. Just shaped my first board and I must say that this is an outstanding resource. I found practically everything I needed to know in the archives. My board though nowhere near the level of alot of the boards in the resource section, turned out pretty good for a first (definately not a last).

The board is a 9’4" 19.5"x23"x15 rounded pin LGB. cant wait to get it wet. Now if one of those tropical waves off the African coast will send us some swell I can. Terry.

Nice to meet y’all (said with a friendly southern accent)

Welcome Tbones, got a picture of your board.


Here it is in all its glory. Any critiques are more than welcome. Be brutal if you must! Terry

P.S. The light is not that good so I can get better pics tomorrow if anyone is interested.

Another amazingly good first board. Nice job Tbones! I humbly offer one suggestion… use a drop cloth, tar paper or cardboard to protect garage floor from resin outlines.

Mate that’s a top looking board. Mistake on the nose or nose riding target?


I could post a hundred pics of imperfections in the glass so I wouldnt consider it top. But thanks for the kind words, they are truely appreciated. The color on the nose is not to hide any imperfections. As a matter of fact it just made the imperfections that are there stand out more. But I am probably overly critical of the board just like everything else I make with my hands. The next board, which I hope to be a retro single fin, will come out better because I learned so much doing this one. It was really alot of fun shaping and glassing. I even enjoyed sanding it (though my wife didnt enjoy the smell or dust at all). Luckily she surfs also and was therefor very tolerant. I will never buy another board from someone else again. It was a blast. Thanks for all the help!Terry