new wetsuit brands?!?

Yeah, I’ve had good luck with Hyperflex. I’m on my third one.

…the best wetsuit still is the Patagonia yulex (special) that they ONLY SELL in their Tokyo shop. These are not the other yulex promoted in their world wide shops.
These ones are Grey and all smooth outside without stitches. 1200 Dollars when I checked it personally.

How do you know it’s the best? Do you own one? What makes it “best”?

Tried most brands over the years. Last 4 or 5 have been billabong, but my most recent suit is the vissla north sea suit & all round it’s the best winter suit I’ve worn. I have the hooded seven seas too. Will be sticking with them for the foreseeable!

…I d compared it with the other Patagonia like the R3 and the boutique expensive (like these ones) yamamoto equipped Japanese brands. They are (at least were) more flexible, more “smooth” in the fit and feather weight. I did not bought one cause the guy told me that like most suits its will last 2 seasons; also I d planned to spend that Winter in Panama, so no cold water; among the expensive tag.

That’s interesting info Reverb. Probably a very good suit. Japanese surfers demand the best in boards, wetsuits, leashes. Etc. and they are willing to pay for it. But don’t try to pass off an inferior product on them. They will reject it. lowel

Hmm. I gotta ask. Third one in six months or six years?? What kind of time frame are you speaking of. I would say that over the last few years if you have owned three; then you are doing as well as if you had bought an O’Neill, Patagonia or Excel. But if you are on your third Hyperflex in the last several months, then you should consider a differant brand next time around. I suppose you could be like a few guys and girls I know and just be hell on Neoprene. I know folks that bust a seam just getting their over sized ass thru that chest zippered entry. Lowel

I have a coral reef and a matuse and love them both

Good suits Huck and worth the extra $$$. Nice to get a custom fit. Lowel

As cold water is the norm in New Hampshire most of the year, I find that spending the money is the way to go. I do need to branch out and try some other new suits like you guys have mentioned. But what usually gets me bummed about a suit is the amount of chafing or rashing I get around the neck and arm pits. I get it wicked bad to the point that multiple days of surfing in a row leave me with a painful ring around my neck that looks similar to a hickey. Also no deodorant cuz that shit burns so bad with rashy pitts. Lots of the time, I’m that guy slapping petroleum jelly around my neck and pits before going in the water.
when choosing a suit this is normally priority number one, then warmth and durability. Boots and gloves must be of top quality or they wear out super quick and will end a session real fast. Sucks to have to get out of the water because your left hand is frozen beyond use, but the rest of you is good to go.
Anyone having any rashing issues with any of these Vissla suits or Japansese rubber? Love to hear feedback

I came across a company Named 7till8 making
wetsuits in California. It’s a small outfit doing Custom made suits as well as off the rack suits useing Japanese Rubber with two different lining offered. The lining offer different qualities in warmth and stretch. I have been thinking of pulling the trigger on ordering a full suit. For next winter. I have a long sleeve Shorty from Mattuse that is good most of the time down here in Florida. But there are times when a full Suit is required. I would get another Mattuse but they no longer make the size I need. Of course I could always drop 20 lbs but that’s hard to do when my wife loves to cook is such an excellent cook.

Yes they were “Carpace” until recently. Custom fit.

Artz, consider one of the new 2mm full suits for FL winter. In SoCal I’ve ridden in a 2 mm long john with a 2/1 jacket all winter except for the cloudy days. As these things get better, we need less rubber. A good sealed 2 mil is pretty crazy good and feels like nothing at all. Im considering that for my next mild winter suit with a 4/3 for colder sessions. Might skip a 3/2 from now on.

I will keep that in mind Cowboy.

I treated myself to a custom 4/3 yamamoto…7thWave, from NZ. After a year, still going strong, though it has an odd off gassing that 7th Wave can’t figure out. Shipped free to CA.; when it arrived, I thought it was a cheap sweater from my sister, it was so light.

I’ve been wearing the Buell Wetsuits 4/3 RB1 for the past two years and it’s by far the most comfortable suit I’ve ever worn! After two seasons, the seams are still sealed and it’s as warm as the day I got it. 

There’s nothing new here.  For the money you can’t beat Hyperflex.  Years ago I wouldn’t buy anything but O’Neill.  They are still in the top five.  

I got a great end of the year deal on a 4/3 Billabong wetsuit, very happy with the quality.  But sad to say, I’ve had a variety of health issues to deal with, and haven’t used it yet!  Hopefully soon…

I also own a Matuse and a Coral Reef, and I am very happy with the quality of both of those, also.  Oh yeah, and a Gladiator cheapie spring suit I got at a yardsale thats perfect for the warmer water so-cal days. The Coral Reef was my first and only custom made wetsuit to my measurements, and it fits like a glove.  But then again, so do my off-the-shelf suits, so go figure.

I’m using a 2/2 mil Isrus and love it. 

Lots of good ones out there but  in the end it’s the fit that makes the suit work for you. All those exotic materials (carbon bamboo coconut husk) are just BS. Get the softest rubber you can find (Isrus) and a good fit and you will stay warm. 

All the best

…price matters. If price is not important, the best wetsuits are the Japanese tailored ones. There are several of small shops that do the best wetsuits just for you at top Dollars; if not the Grey ones that Patagonia sells only in the tokyo shop are the best big brand wetsuits; also they are the cooler. Only 1200 Dollars. I am talking Winter suits.

Even the biggies like Quiksilver etc makes you a tailored wetsuit there.