About a year ago while perusing the web , I came across Paul Jensens website. I tried to emulate one of his boards, yet I had trouble with the rails. I didn’t/couldn’t find any cheap cork or bending plywood.
Then I stumbled across swaylock about 3 months ago. Read the articles that “Hicksey” wrote about the inexpensive wood boards and the ones about the $14 foam board. I’ve built human powered boats as a hobby for the last 7 years and now at 43 years old, my engine is about to give out on the pedaling capabilities that are needed. Took up surfing about 3 years ago; what a great feeling when you finally, really catch, that first wave. But now I needed another hobby. Plain simple surfboards. Attached below is my first set of 5 in what is becoming a great hobby. Broke down and purchased a 200 foot roll of 1/4" X 48" cork for what seemed to be rather cheap compared to 12" floor tiles.
#1–Board layed up with 5/4" cork rails. Really made this board too thick but I’m 6’4" @215 lbs. so at the least, I can use this to float my bulk.
BTW— I use clark foam blank templates for my rocker and width dimensions.
#2–Almost finished. 2 layers of glass and west epoxy
#3–Finished board. 7’2" 11"N 14"T 21 1/2W 17.5 lbs.
#4–board awaiting deck
#5–board awaiting side stringer supports.
Took the board to the local surf shop and even these young guns were impressed with my results. They are chomping at the bit for when I finish some of the smaller boards in process and in line to be started next week so taht they can try them in the surf. Thanks for all who contributed to the above mentioned threads and especially to Paul Jensen for having such a complete website with enormous information.