new years resolution - lose weight or stay on bigger board?

A dilemma. I’ve got a beautiful 6’8" shortboard that I can just about surf (i weigh 225 lbs @ 6’3")if I take off super late and imagine I’m Kelly Slater. I normally ride a board 2 inches longer which makes a huge difference - I catch loads more waves (this board is however about to die of dings). Should I make my new years resolution “lose 30 lbs and ride the 6’8"” or “sell the 6 8 and get a new 6 10” ?

I’d say lose the weight if it’s dead weight (fat). Not particularly for your board size, but for your health. It’s too easy to just get a bigger board when you gain a few lbs. By looking around in the lineup it’s obvious most people do this. Staying in shape is a challenge when you get older, but it’s well worth it. aloha, tw

If you’re significantly overweight, and over 30, there is NOTHING that will positively impact your surfing as much as losing the excess poundage.