next board help

6’2 range - I started with a 7’1 fun board then to a 5’10 fish I’m looking to have a short board made for east coast surfing. I’m 6’2"(155 to 165 lbs, slim built) and an above average paddler. I’m thinking of something in the 6’2" range. Could you guys give me some specs (length,width,volume,rocker, etc) I want to rip!

Get a Mccoy nugget. Look at I have said this on numerous other post, but I think the nugget is the most inovative surfboard of the last 20 years. Let me know if you want one. They are pricey, but will last a very long time. If not a nugget I also like Coda lazor eggs from Steve Forstall. He does them in Epoxy.