Now that’s a long board. From the date on the post on the home page I’m not really sure when it was posted, but this is the first time I’ve seen it so, Nice Board. Your info states that it’s a pin, but that can’t be right can it? Looks like a big square tail. I didn’t know that Mr. Cooper made any box fins. I thought all of his stuff was glass on? Anyway, very nice job, kudos.
Very nice, classic look. If my current project turns out half as good, I’ll be a happy man. regards, Håvard
Thanks guys. It’s my favorite thus far. The glide is addictive.
I just noticed. The pictures got mixed up. “The Stick” should be the 9’6" square tail (all clear) and “The Plank” (with balsa stringer and orange pinlines) is the 10’6" pintail. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks! …deeb…