No photos

i am not able to view attachments or photos just resently is my computer or is the a problem with the site? Is anyone else having the same problem?

I have the same problem. I believe it is with Swaylock’s because all of the other web sites I go to don’t seem to have the problem. But I now nothing about puters, so it could be my own dumb fault.

im having trouble doing anything on here the past couple of days…im supposedly downloading a picture as i type and i havent clicked any pictures…i have to switch to basic editor to even post a message…i think swaylocks is screwed up at the moment.

Me, too. I am recieving text, but can not get photos. Had to switch to basic editor, too, to post this. Mike

you know what, i even tried reinstalling my norton antivirus… thinking i had some kinda virus in this thing. I cant get pics on anypage i view…could it be a virus in swaylocks??? i cant view surfcams, pics, hard to navigate through a lot of sites. Any insite please post…i need my pics.

surfs up in Jersey,


see if this works

'cos if you can’t see it, it’s your machine . I seem to get it fine.

hope that’s of use


I’ve been on lately and haven’t had any problems either.

Have any of you upgraded your Microsoft versions lately? Made any internet security changes? Installed firewalls or other protective programs?

If you go up to your toolbar and click on “tools”, then “internet options”, a bunch of options pop up. Generally, “security”, “privacy” and “advanced” settings may offer clues.

Then again, maybe the site is wacked and I’m just not on at those times.

Hello, the Microsoft Service Pack 2 is causing a lot of troubles to my partners (specially the security center and its firewall), so maybe it could be that.

I use Linux Suse as operatin system, and Firefox as my browser and i don’t have any troubles this site.

My advice would be to try Firefox ( or any other browser and check if everything works.

Good web surfing!


Having the same problems as the rest of the guys myself. Appreciate the tip on switching to basic editor - I wasn’t able to post or PM either. I’m not seeing any pictures in the threads, avatars, pictures in the resources section, or anything. Too wierd. It was happening to most sites I visited yesterday, but now Swaylocks seems to be about the only problem. Can’t seem to figure it out. Have resisted installing Microsofts Service Pack 2 due to everyone elses’s problems. I’m beginning to see why the Mac users like their Macs so much…

over the last couple days the wonderful world that microsoft has us in has gone thru some server updates. just like we get those little update thingys. being so it changed some files and settings on the programming side on the back end servers of some sites… mine suffered from this situation too! after a few hours haggling my tech support i ended up sorting thier problems and getting the show on the road again…

I know that this is a surfboard design forum, but…

As anyone i’ve been using windows for years, and i’ve never tried a Mac. As lots of people some (maybe the most?) of the windows o.s. i used were illegal copies (yes here in Spain a lot of companies use illegal copies of the software).

I was sick of windows, and i was sick of seeing as everyone have the same kind of troubles, the same virus, the same day. A lot of times i had a dream where the world stopped because a virus infected every Windows O.P.

The same happens with M. Internet Explorer, and with the Office pack, but this is really easy to change: FIREFOX ( and (, they’re FREE and they work REALLY WELL, better than the Windows option, for my like.

Well, after some years dealing with windows i installed Linux, but don’t think about the Linux of the past that was all about a black screen and white words. I installed Linux Suse 9.0 (they have now the 9.1).

You can download an “incomplete version” (incomplete because you’ll have to install some things due to patents, etc, like an MPG2 encoder for example, but is really easy using “YAST” or RPM files). This version is FREE and works really well having full compatibility with Windows.

I’m not advertising anything, but i think that as we like to test new resins and foams, it would be worth a try using a different operating system, you’ll see life after Windows.

You can install Suse in a little partition of a computer where you have Windows, and you can test this system while you still have your Windows O.S.

Example: Last week, after several times trying to install the APS300 program on my windows(being unable to run it), i tried it on my Suse, and it worked since the first time.

We can’t have Greg Loher’s epoxi here (at the moment), but i’ll be more than happy trying it.

Good web surfing!


I use both Netscape & Mozilla as browsers. Everytime my #%$#& windows XP does its little ‘auto-update’ crap, my non-IE browsers act funny. The most common & fixable problems are things like images not loading and downloads not happening. I then go to either or and download the newest version of the browser, which usually cleans it up.

So, if you’re using a non-Internet Epxloder browser on a Windows OS, you might be getting the same little problems. But yuo can usually fix them with a new (free) version of your browser.

Unless Swaylock’s has changed something, I think my puter is fixed. Yesterday I started to notice when ever I left Swaylock’s other sites would have the same problem, making the assumption it had something to do with Swaylock’s. I also noticed Micorsoft Word was slow to open documents, so I reinstalled Microsoft Office and now everything seems to be working fine. I see all the pictures on Swaylock’s. Yeaaaaaa!

Howzit John, You pretty much hit the nail on the head about security settings. A while back I was playing with mine and if I raise the setting I have the problems the guys are experiencing. I won’t down load the svc 2 update because I have my own firewall protection installed. The update is just another step towards Big Brother taking control of your computer. Aloha,Kokua

Wahey, we’re back in action! Still dunno what the problem was that some of us had and others didn’t… Perhaps the MS problem like FeralDave mentioned. Wouldn’t surprise me. Might just have to look into one of those other browsers… I just dislike all the other miscellaneous crap that it seems like they crowd the screen with. I really like the F11 expand the screen thing that IE has. Use it all the time. Minimize everything and give me the biggest view possible. That’s pretty much the main reason I don’t use Netscape, as I’m no huge fan of Microsoft. I’ll have to do some more checking on those other browsers…