One more stand to weld, and then we can start!!.
let the work begin !!
[might have to pull back on the beer drinking a bit , while you are using the power tools ]
beerfan: looking forward to it. speaking of beer, i hope it’s coopers that you’re a fan of down there in south oz.
Chipfish, the brewing has slackened off since i’ve started surfing. Next weeks brew will be the 1st in 2 months, whereas i used to brew every 2 weeks!!. Consumption has also dropped!. Each brew takes around 5 hours, which is time that could be spent checkin out surfin stuff on the net!!
Oldy, I live in wollongong, south coast of NSW, but, yeah, i dont mind a few coopers pales now and then, great beer!.
P.S, it’s funny, but, im just about to make a surfboard from scratch, but i also make beer, bread, and pizza from scratch ( dough included ), maybe i’ve got a thing about making things “the old way” ??. Weird
oops. read your details wrong, thought you were from s.a. yep coopers pale is a nice drop. all the best with your board. what are you going to make?
I actually changed it to read nsw after your post!. We are making an 8" 2’ egg. Wide point is 4 inches forward and 20 1/2 inches. Nose width is 16 1/2 inches and tail is 13 inches with a pin tail. Do you think 13 inches is a bit too narrow??. After tracing the outline on the board, when i stand back it looks a little narrow. I guess the pin tail might make it look narrow also. Thickness, well, i reckon it wont be too much below 3 inches in the thickest part!, dont wanna worry too much about thickness as yet, it cant hurt. SHould be starting a week from today ( saturday ). Can’t wait!!!. Will post pics if no one minds.