
Hey Rich - Thanks for those numbers. Re: adding side fins to your board - > is the existing fin a glass-on or box type fin? My experience with the > side bites is that they work good as a 2+1 set up. However with the narrow > swallow tail you describe, I’m thinking your present fin (without knowing > the length of the base or rake angle) might be too much with side bites of > the size you mention. You also say the board works best in bigger waves so > maybe you already have enough fin.(?) If you have a center box now, and > you use 3.5" side bites, you may want to consider switching to a > smaller center fin - maybe something 5-6" high. One last thing - you > didn’t say if the side bite plan involved glass-on or box/plug type fins > but with the box/plug you could really play around. The board does have enough fin and because it’s glassed on. I don’t want to tinker with that right away. I’m wondering if I can supercharge a little and give a little more turning response with side bites.I don’t want to over kill with area as you allude to. I think if I do I’ll glass them on if I do on this board but I’m gonna start with the single fin 7’0" winged fish and make it a thruster for sure. I’ll send more specks later. Thanx, Rich

Hi John, Here are the specks. 8’3"x 16.5"x 21.5"x 13"x 3" Meaty board, slight concave in nose to flat to subtle tail vee. Hard nose rails, to egg rails in mid seccion, to hard down rail departure. “4 kick, 1.5” rocker, wide point 9 inches forward of center. Swallows finish 2.75 into tail Halcyon 9" fin, leading edge 14" forward of tail. Gray tin glossed and polished. This has been my favorite board for many years. It holds its speed down line and drives through the white water like crazy. It’s a real blast to ride, trim is way up front. lots of fun to ride like a mini long board. I guess you might call it one of the first of the hybrids. All this boards were built between '71 and '73. I don’t know if I’d consider changing this on at all, though rail bite is a consideration. I have ignored thrusters completely but now have a new board that has opened all kinds of ideas for me. All ideas welcome, Rich

Hi John,>>> Here are the specks. 7’0"x 16"x 21"x 13"x 2.75" Plenty of floatation forward, Down rails flat entry to subtle vee departure 4" kick, 1.5" rocker Wide point 7’ forward of center Swallow 2.25 into tail, half inch wings let in 8.5" from tail It’s a single fin and real fast but too stiff. I know I can ge alot more out of it as a thruster. I’m considering putting a standard fin box in the center and future boxes in for the rail fins though I’m attracted toward glass ons. I’m looking forward to the project with some real hot results. I’m definitely changing this one to a thruster. Fin size and placement ideas are welcome. Best, Rich

Rich - Sooo… these babies are about 30 years old?! I would definitely leave them alone. Boards of that vintage tend to have a certain charm that would surely be lost with a modern fin retrofit. A blank and the rest of the stuff to build a new one wouldn’t take a whole lotta cash and IMHO a new design with wide point back and increased tail rocker might be an eye opener for you in the performance department. You could start from scratch with a box and/or plugs and have many more options not to mention another board!

Rich - Sooo… these babies are about 30 years old?! I would definitely > leave them alone. Boards of that vintage tend to have a certain charm that > would surely be lost with a modern fin retrofit. A blank and the rest of > the stuff to build a new one wouldn’t take a whole lotta cash and IMHO a > new design with wide point back and increased tail rocker might be an eye > opener for you in the performance department. You could start from scratch > with a box and/or plugs and have many more options not to mention another > board! Well, you’re surely right about the charm part. I’ll rethink the retrofit of the the blue board. I’ve got lots of ideas poppin’ up all the time. If I build all the boards I have ideas for I’ll always be in a dither about which ones to take along. But I’m pretty sure I’m up for a couple more in the next year or so. A new fish and a rounded pin In the 7’ to 7’7’ range. Oh and thanks for the advise. I have 3 other boards, so that’s 6 total The others are a 9’0"x23" rounded pin – 9’3"x22" squash tail and 8’0"x20.75" rounded pin all built in the last year or so. Frankly, it would be hard to let any of them go but you never know. By the way if you have any interest in the fins I make I’m easy to find. Just email me if you want to have a look or talk shop anytime. I’m in Santa Cruz. In between swells-- Best, Rich