just finished shaping a board, and what do you know i hit it on the rail up on the nose, theres a small triangle shaped ding. Im assuming that this has happened before to some of you. i put my boards into a shop to get glassed. Will they be able to somehow cover up the ding. thanks
just finished shaping a board, and what do you know i hit it on the rail > up on the nose, theres a small triangle shaped ding. Im assuming that this > has happened before to some of you. i put my boards into a shop to get > glassed. Will they be able to somehow cover up the ding.>>> thanks …If you have a heat gun handy you can take the dent right out,but be careful not to cook the area too much.If not,a tub of spackle or just ask your glasser to fix it .Herb
…If you have a heat gun handy you can take the dent right out,but be > careful not to cook the area too much.If not,a tub of spackle or just ask > your glasser to fix it .Herb Cut a little V wedge of foam and fit it tight.Use a little white glue and shape the patch on down.(this is if its too deep for the spackle thing)…R.B.
Cut a little V wedge of foam and fit it tight.Use a little white glue and > shape the patch on down.(this is if its too deep for the spackle > thing)…R.B. Another approach is to cut the offending length off the nose, fair the outline and shape back to something resembling the intended design, and most importantly, leave the original length notated in pencil on the blank. Then, when the customer comes to pick up his new board, offer to double check the length before he smells a rat, hold the tape measure a few inches short of zero, and generously let him run the tape out to the tail. Voila! A full length board! For $50 cash, I’ll post who really did this!!!
Another approach is to cut the offending length off the nose, fair the > outline and shape back to something resembling the intended design, and > most importantly, leave the original length notated in pencil on the > blank.>>> Then, when the customer comes to pick up his new board, offer to double > check the length before he smells a rat, hold the tape measure a few > inches short of zero, and generously let him run the tape out to the tail. > Voila! A full length board!>>> For $50 cash, I’ll post who really did this!!! Sounds like Dale Velzy. All in good fun, of course.
Sounds like Dale Velzy. All in good fun, of course. Party Pooper. I really needed that 50 bucks…
Party Pooper. I really needed that 50 bucks… That sounds like Dale i worked with Dale when he worked iat August factory back in 76… The days of Vodka and beer… I would fix with white spac or thick Q-cell and glass. Best thing to do is watch what your doing… I once grabed two boards at South Shore Factory and put them on my head was walking to the sanding room when the fin on the bottom board hit the door jam??? Behind me was racks full of shaped blanks lots 60 or so. I did’t know the board on the bottom had a glasson. Well i screwed up a bunch of boards that day. The boss Jerry Moe was standing there and looked at me with a grin and said Fix em… Thank god Mel Ross glassed then he fix most all the damage for me with dark pigments. I worked for free that week!! Rob
Party Pooper. I really needed that 50 bucks… Sorry Paul, but who else? FYI, it was suspected that Velzy may have actually had an “adjusted” tape measure for repeat performances. The equivalent of a magician`s prop. Always accompanied by a fine sense of humor, too. In the name of fun, with no harm ever intended, or caused. A once-in-a-lifetime classic.
Sorry Paul, but who else? FYI, it was suspected that Velzy may have > actually had an “adjusted” tape measure for repeat performances. > The equivalent of a magician
s prop. Always accompanied by a fine sense of > humor, too. In the name of fun, with no harm ever intended, or caused. A > once-in-a-lifetime classic. Please keep the $50. You
re a classic, too.
Please keep the $50. You`re a classic, too. Thanks! Well, I know of at least two other guys who used this ploy to sell boards that were not the length a customer was looking for when he walked into the showroom. One went so far as to never put the length on a shaped blank to faciliate this ruse. Hmmm. I probably shouldn’t mention any names for at least 5 more years. One you would believe in a second. The other, not in a million years!
Thanks!>>> Well, I know of at least two other guys who used this ploy to sell boards > that were not the length a customer was looking for when he walked into > the showroom. One went so far as to never put the length on a shaped blank > to faciliate this ruse. Hmmm. I probably shouldn’t mention any names for > at least 5 more years. One you would believe in a second. The other, not > in a million years! Paul, you
d be surprised what I might not believe. For many, "integrity" has become nothing more than a marketing term. To play the devil, if a board turns out to work well for a customer, what difference does it make if it
s actually lighty shorter, longer wider or thinner than they imagined at the point of purchase? In the interests of progressive enterprise, what`s the big deal?
Paul, you
d be surprised what I might not believe. For many, > "integrity" has become nothing more than a marketing term. To > play the devil, if a board turns out to work well for a customer, what > difference does it make if it
s actually lighty shorter, longer wider or > thinner than they imagined at the point of purchase? In the interests of > progressive enterprise, what`s the big deal? You are correct, sir. Actually, one shaper of the late 60’s had a formula for making boards that customers liked, but didn’t order. He added 2" in length and 1" in width over what was requested, but put the smaller, requested dimensions on the foam. He said not a single board ever came back, for any reason. A ruse, but well intended. He had nothing to gain other than a satisfied customer.
You are correct, sir. Actually, one shaper of the late 60’s had a formula > for making boards that customers liked, but didn’t order. He added 2" > in length and 1" in width over what was requested, but put the > smaller, requested dimensions on the foam. He said not a single board ever > came back, for any reason. A ruse, but well intended. He had nothing to > gain other than a satisfied customer. …settle down guys,it’s only a small rail ding in the foam up at the nose.A heatgun will solve that quick,and clean w/o a trace.Herb …Jerry Moe glassed a handful of my boards…maybe you Rob?..RainbowBridge…remember the name?I Had Jerry glass a bunch of twinnies with those Bahne boxes(like the Red-X),all of them came back with either striped fins,snapped fins,or recessed decks around the top of the box cutting my customer’s feet(mine too).I’m glad Tom@Daum solved 100% of these problems.It’s a great system ,it just needed more time and thought,as Tom has put into it. …What ever happened to Jerry Moe?He was a great guy,and treated me nice.Oh yeah,if you still converse with him,ask him about the quad fish I built.I showed it to him in 1978,about 5-7 years ahead of it’s time.As Jerry said,“I don’t know if it will fly,but it shows you have soul”.Herb …Dale I think I still own you 50 bucks from the olden days?Just kidding.Herb
…settle down guys,it’s only a small rail ding in the foam up at the > nose.A heatgun will solve that quick,and clean w/o a trace.Herb>>> …Jerry Moe glassed a handful of my boards…maybe you > Rob?..RainbowBridge…remember the name?I Had Jerry glass a bunch > of twinnies with those Bahne boxes(like the Red-X),all of them came back > with either striped fins,snapped fins,or recessed decks around the top of > the box cutting my customer’s feet(mine too).I’m glad Tom@Daum solved 100% > of these problems.It’s a great system ,it just needed more time and > thought,as Tom has put into it. …What ever happened to Jerry > Moe?He was a great guy,and treated me nice.Oh yeah,if you still converse > with him,ask him about the quad fish I built.I showed it to him in > 1978,about 5-7 years ahead of it’s time.As Jerry said,“I don’t know > if it will fly,but it shows you have soul”.Herb God Bless Dale Velzy…out father who started the Surfing Lifestyle…R.B.>>> …Dale I think I still own you 50 bucks from the olden days?Just > kidding.Herb
…settle down guys,it’s only a small rail ding in the foam up at the > nose.A heatgun will solve that quick,and clean w/o a trace.Herb>>> …Jerry Moe glassed a handful of my boards…maybe you > Rob?..RainbowBridge…remember the name?I Had Jerry glass a bunch > of twinnies with those Bahne boxes(like the Red-X),all of them came back > with either striped fins,snapped fins,or recessed decks around the top of > the box cutting my customer’s feet(mine too).I’m glad Tom@Daum solved 100% > of these problems.It’s a great system ,it just needed more time and > thought,as Tom has put into it. …What ever happened to Jerry > Moe?He was a great guy,and treated me nice.Oh yeah,if you still converse > with him,ask him about the quad fish I built.I showed it to him in > 1978,about 5-7 years ahead of it’s time.As Jerry said,“I don’t know > if it will fly,but it shows you have soul”.Herb>>> …Dale I think I still own you 50 bucks from the olden days?Just > kidding.Herb – What? Herb, WE should be paying YOU!!
…settle down guys,it’s only a small rail ding in the foam up at the > nose.A heatgun will solve that quick,and clean w/o a trace.Herb>>> …Jerry Moe glassed a handful of my boards…maybe you > Rob?..RainbowBridge…remember the name?I Had Jerry glass a bunch > of twinnies with those Bahne boxes(like the Red-X),all of them came back > with either striped fins,snapped fins,or recessed decks around the top of > the box cutting my customer’s feet(mine too).I’m glad Tom@Daum solved 100% > of these problems.It’s a great system ,it just needed more time and > thought,as Tom has put into it. …What ever happened to Jerry > Moe?He was a great guy,and treated me nice.Oh yeah,if you still converse > with him,ask him about the quad fish I built.I showed it to him in > 1978,about 5-7 years ahead of it’s time.As Jerry said,“I don’t know > if it will fly,but it shows you have soul”.Herb>>> …Dale I think I still own you 50 bucks from the olden days?Just > kidding.Herb Hey Herb I was gone from SS by 78 i was building boards in Hawaii. Jerry is in S.oregon just inland of Coos Bay. I haven’t talked to him in maybe 5 or 6 years. I’ll see if i can find a number… I do remember seeing rainbowbridge boards. Jerry was a big I mean BIG teddy bear… i still blame him for draging me into building surfboards… that’s where i started my first factory job in 73. Rob
Hey Herb I was gone from SS by 78 i was building boards in Hawaii. Jerry > is in S.oregon just inland of Coos Bay. I haven’t talked to him in maybe 5 > or 6 years. I’ll see if i can find a number… I do remember seeing > rainbowbridge boards. Jerry was a big I mean BIG teddy bear… i still > blame him for draging me into building surfboards… that’s where i started > my first factory job in 73.>>> Rob …Yeah,you were there to do my late 77 jobs,small handmade labels on tissue paper.Jerry was the best.I hope he’s doing well these days.And big is an under statement,huge is a better description.Herb …I think WE ALL owe you too,Dale.Herb
…Yeah,you were there to do my late 77 jobs,small handmade > labels on tissue paper.Jerry was the best.I hope he’s doing well these > days.And big is an under statement,huge is a better description.Herb>>> …I think WE ALL owe you too,Dale.Herb The one thing i remember was Jerrys “LAUGH” you could hear it all the way down to the beach. I’m looking for his number now. I’m heading down in Jan for a few weeks i hope and want to stop by and see him… Just for a laugh or two… Rob
The one thing i remember was Jerrys “LAUGH” you could hear it > all the way down to the beach. I’m looking for his number now. I’m heading > down in Jan for a few weeks i hope and want to stop by and see him… Just > for a laugh or two…>>> Rob Wasn,t this string about a rail ding posted by Chopper?Hope we answered your question Chopper sometimes da boys get carried away.Try the question again until ya get it.