I’m getting ready to shape a funboard and I am looking for suggestions for nose and tail widths (1’ from each end) and any other suggestions you may have. I want to shape a 7’4 with a width of 21 1/4 (open to width suggestions!!). I live in North Carolina aka. 1-2’ surf year round, and weight @ 150lbs. I basically want a board for small mushy waves, yet can handle a hurricane swell of 6-8’. thanks for the help, Jeff
I’m getting ready to shape a funboard and I am looking for suggestions for > nose and tail widths (1’ from each end) and any other suggestions you may > have. I want to shape a 7’4 with a width of 21 1/4 (open to width > suggestions!!). I live in North Carolina aka. 1-2’ surf year round, and > weight @ 150lbs. I basically want a board for small mushy waves, yet can > handle a hurricane swell of 6-8’.>>> thanks for the help,>>> Jeff Is this going to be a single fin or tri fin? Did you want an “egg shape” or more of a “fun gun”?
this is going to be a tri-fin. I’m looking for more of an egg shape. I think this would be better suited for the types of waves i will be surfing.
Hi Jeff, Tail shape along with rail and bottom configuration will have everything to do with how the board performs as well ashow wide the tail and nose should be to serve the way you want the board to perform. Share you inclinations and some of the shapers here will have some suggestion. I’ve got a few ideas but feel more info is needed before any guide lines can be laid out. In any case put a central fin box and rail fin boxes in it so you can surf it many different ways in many different conditions. I think you’re right in there with you choice of width. Good Surfin’, Rich
Thanks for the reply Rich, As far as tail shape is concerned, i can’t decide between a rounded pin or squash. I’m thinking rounded pin. Rails will be pretty soft up to about 6-8" in front of the fins. Slight bottom concave. This is my second board, so i’m not so sure what i should do. basically i want a board that will perform pretty well in small mushy waves. Jeff>>> Hi Jeff,>>> Tail shape along with rail and bottom configuration will have everything > to do with how the board performs as well ashow wide the tail and nose > should be to serve the way you want the board to perform. Share you > inclinations and some of the shapers here will have some suggestion. I’ve > got a few ideas but feel more info is needed before any guide lines can be > laid out.>>> In any case put a central fin box and rail fin boxes in it so you can surf > it many different ways in many different conditions. I think you’re right > in there with you choice of width.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich
Thanks for the reply Rich,>>> As far as tail shape is concerned, i can’t decide between a rounded pin or > squash. I’m thinking rounded pin. Rails will be pretty soft up to about > 6-8" in front of the fins. Slight bottom concave. This is my second > board, so i’m not so sure what i should do. basically i want a board that > will perform pretty well in small mushy waves.>>> Jeff Rounded pin would be my choice too. You gotta keep this board pretty thick so the small waves will push it. I’d say around 3’0". With a width of 21.25" you could go with a 17" nose and that would help you get into the waves easier. The tail needs to be nice and wide too. 15.0" to 15.5" would be about right I think. If you’re gonna be in a allot of chop hold the concave to the last 2.5’ of the board. Make the mid section flat and put just a hint of a belly in the nose to deal with the rough water unless you want to take some of the nose rocker out and make a mini nose rider out of it. Then I’d just stay flat all the way. You could thin the nose out a little and that will help the board turn more easily. I’d go with a green or a super blue blank to keep the board light and manueverable. Put enough (2.75 to 3.25") rocker in the tail so it’ll turn easily in the small stuff. The rest is up to what you eye and the water tells you. Good luck. I’ll bet some of the other boys on the site have some good ideas for you. Maybe someone will pipe up with some other ideas that may be better than mine. Remember, these are just my thoughts on your project do what you think best. Good Surfin’, Rich