Novice Shaper

Hey guys. Could anyone help me out with what I would need to know to shape an utterly basic longboard? I am 6’2" 170 lbs. Right now I am riding a 9’ board, but its more of a gun-type shape, and I tend to pearl alot while riding it. I have checked out the Clark Foam page, and a few others, and it appears that the blanks are already quite close to my final shape, being a very basic one. I was wondering whether I really need much experience to go about shaping a longboard. As far as glassing goes, my dad can help me out there, he’s done it before. Thanks alot for any help anyone is able to give me. ~~Alex

Hey guys. Could anyone help me out with what I would need to know to > shape an utterly basic longboard? I am 6’2" 170 lbs. Right now I am > riding a 9’ board, but its more of a gun-type shape, and I tend to pearl > alot while riding it. I have checked out the Clark Foam page, and a few > others, and it appears that the blanks are already quite close to my final > shape, being a very basic one. I was wondering whether I really need much > experience to go about shaping a longboard. As far as glassing goes, my > dad can help me out there, he’s done it before. Thanks alot for any help > anyone is able to give me.>>> ~~Alex …check the archives first there’s a wealth of information there.Herb.

Thanks Herb, that was the fastest response I have ever known. Damn, you guys are awsome!! I really am finding this wealth of information too, its taking away the fear-factor of my first try, just reading all this possitive feedback. THANKS A WHOLE LOT!

get the JC shaping video. it’s focused on shortboards but you’ll see the basics and it all applies to longboards too. get the closest blank you can to the shape you want and you don’t have to have a planer. a good sharp block plane,a baby block plane(also razor sharp), small surform, couple sanding blocks, and some screen and you’re in there. if you can set up a couple cheap flourescent shop lights. go slow and have fun…

Hey guys. Could anyone help me out with what I would need to know to > shape an utterly basic longboard? I am 6’2" 170 lbs. Right now I am > riding a 9’ board, but its more of a gun-type shape, and I tend to pearl > alot while riding it. I have checked out the Clark Foam page, and a few > others, and it appears that the blanks are already quite close to my final > shape, being a very basic one. I was wondering whether I really need much > experience to go about shaping a longboard. As far as glassing goes, my > dad can help me out there, he’s done it before. Thanks alot for any help > anyone is able to give me.>>> ~~Alex I can pass along a couple of tips a guy told me when I first started. Measure twice, cut once… and…STOP! Don’t over shape a board or you will end up surfing a toothpick! Good Luck!