There’s an effort to elect an unknown random person as
President… and it’s someone we know! See this news website about
the surprising new nominee:
There’s an effort to elect an unknown random person as
President… and it’s someone we know! See this news website about
the surprising new nominee:
Not many takers on this thread likely due to its OT nature and once bitten twice shy m.o. of most forum members. HAH!
Anyway just a campain (spelling intentional) update: Nels of Swaylocks fame has been appointed campain director! You heard it here first. Unintentionally lobbying for the job he submitted a suggestion for the theme song which was immediately and gratefully accepted. Here 'tis:
Lawyers, Guns and Money
(Warren Zevon)
Well, I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the Russians, too
I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this
I’m the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock and the hard place
And I’m down on my luck
And I’m down on my luck
And I’m down on my luck
Now I’m hiding in Honduras
I’m a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan
Send lawyers, guns and money…
[damn it, if Hunter were here to run I wouldn’t have to…]
ha ha,
i went to the link DrStrange but it didn’t know who they were talking about.
i didn’t know it was Nels. i’m sure he’d do well, he’s long winded…
Well ya gots to go to my profile to know who I am in “real life”! Nels rocks. We WILL prevail!!!
“Change you can spare”
I think we’ve “been there-- done that” much more than anything else.;search_string=news3online;#382659
and here is a smoother direct link,
click the video background to customize it for others
I think we’ve “been there-- done that” much more than anything else.;search_string=news3online;#382659
and here is a smoother direct link,…935J4Q7Zu8C53VV21PXa
click the video background to customize it for others
Ya? Oh, Ya??? Well I never heard of you and besides that we have video of you leaving a hotel w/ an unknown woman not your wife and and…
Sorry, just practicing in case I get elected.
Okay, you asked for platform, well here’s platform!
Courtesy of Nels, who as soon as I am elected I will appoint as Secretary of the Treasury.
I’ve already decided to vote for Herb Spitzer. Mike
Damn it Mike, I was hoping for your endorsement! Oh well, unlike most politicians I actually do respect my competition, at least some of them. Herb would be an excellent President.
I do take bribes…
Ahhh, now we’re talking. First I must find a “campaign finance advisor” then I will get back to you. So many donations, so little time…