I am working with Doug Haut here in Sana Cruz and we have an Ocean Blue machine…but can’t make contact with Manufacturer…Joe Bee? We have the machine set up but can’t quite get it running true…does anyone have experience with this machine ? We are more than ready to hire someone to come up and get us running.
I don’t know what piece of shit machine you bought, but I can find NO information at all on it, that is why it doesn’t want to work.You are going to spend al LOT of money to get this up and running.
Matt Calvani just had to go through hell for 2 weeks on the machine he bought from Channin, same machine Okomoto has and it is pretty darn good.
You need to get a CNC pro in there and find out how the programs were written and if there is a mechanical or software problem, otherwise you will NEVER figure it out by your self
we have a good C and C engineer looking at it…both the program side and the mechanical side…and its close…just hoped that someone had worked with one…and yes…finding anything online is impossible…Joe Bee was the guy building it down in Long Beach about 4 - 5 years ago…and a few were in the Que before us…so i know they are out there…but where? thanks for looking.