off the subject...on the asphalt

greetings fellow swaylockians…and you lurkers too.

Story…this evening



Best bud and I hanging out and a “style challenge” gauntlet is thrown. The “challenge” involves a 44" long skate, questionable trucks, nice down-hill sect. in the neighborhood and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Rules…carve with class and haul ass

Reward…more SNPA

I go first. Am firmly introduced to the “Wobbles” (similar to the “Wiggles”)near the end of the run and get dumped, sustaining only minor injury(flesh wound) to the right knee.

“Bud” aka. Pete goes next. Met up with the “Wiggles” way too soon and ate it. He may have even had seconds! Knees, elbows, palms, fore arms chewed nicely but, still kept a winning smile.

The real reward…enjoying being alive and with my friend. Friends kick ass.

…like everyone ONE of us hasn’t already done that, to our later regret…

Yes, we have all done it before. Do it again.

Remind yourself.

I ride from middle of Berkeley hills (above MarinCircle) down to my house in the flats all the time, with a standard trick deck, wide Indy’s and 78mm scooter wheels, trucks set loose, triple risers and bottom of deck gouged out with dremel tool…

New blacktop, I can drag fingertips toeside, and almost touch heelside, usually the limit is skidding of rear wheels…this standing up, not LB’s.

Use to ride most of the City’s 7 hills, from Coit, Russian, Nob, Twin, McLaren, and MtDavidson, and Presidio, train of 5+ guys usually starting around 1AM…and one driver, of course.

LeeDD, I had to remind myself. Started with a Hobie something-or-other in the mid seventies and quit around the early ninties(still have my all time favorite deck-PP rat bones…hangs in the garage…gave it’s Indys to my next door neighboor’s kid…he saw it and mentioned(cringe)“old school”). About a year ago bought a LB just for S’s&G’s and I had forgotten how much fun it was to skate. I guess I had spent my time focusing on other things(job, family, mortgage, car payments…you know…good stuff). My significant other saw it to even replace my current board with one geared more to my interest. Wait a minute… She might even be foolishly thinking this will keep me out of the water! Oh she’s tricky allright. I’ll show her!