Old Board

Ever heard of Royal Hawaiian Surfboards?..It is alongboard from the sixties.I havent seen it yet but it is supposed to be in mint codition.Seems to me like they were popouts but I’m not sure…any input on where it was made,rough value etc. etc. etc. will be appreciated.

Roger: I did a restore of one for a friend. I believe that they were a popout too. This one was a 9’7" I worked on. What caught my eye was the thinner rails and flowing rocker line. It seemed to have a little more soul in the overall shape, looked to be a decent rider. Way better than the Dextra he had me do. Tom S. > Ever heard of Royal Hawaiian Surfboards?..It is alongboard from the > sixties.I havent seen it yet but it is supposed to be in mint > codition.Seems to me like they were popouts but I’m not sure…any input > on where it was made,rough value etc. etc. etc. will be appreciated.

Ever heard of Royal Hawaiian Surfboards?..It is alongboard from the > sixties.I havent seen it yet but it is supposed to be in mint > codition.Seems to me like they were popouts but I’m not sure…any input > on where it was made,rough value etc. etc. etc. will be appreciated. They were popuots. Not worth as much as the hand made ones, obviously, and won’t appreciate as much but if in mint condition, they can be nice to look at. (Lousey to ride, though). Like they’ve been saying in other posts, these old boards (popuots and real) hit their high water mark about 2-3 years ago in terms of value, much like Lucent, Cisco, Amazon.com, At&t, Vertical net, blahblahblah. What did Greenspan call it? Oh yea, “irrational exuberance”. But if it looks nice, enjoy!