Since I found this site and have taken more of an interest in the technical aspect of our sport/lifestyle. Two old saying’s come to mind. One I alway’s tried to use in both my personal and business life. 1. " Minds are like parachutes, they only function, when they are open " 2. This one pertains to me, as I’m not new to the sport, BUT new to the technical aspect of it: " Knowledge Speaks, but Wisdom Listen’s " R.I. surfer
He who catches the joy’and flies it lives in eternity’s sunrise forever…Jim Freeman…NOW R.I. YOU ARE THE MAN.Herb.
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but never pick your friend’s nose.
“If we’re ourselves to know, let us get to know the sea.” Rod McKuen, circa 1966
The Man, I don’t know Herb, according to my wife and 2 daughters (who are both adults) I’m still a little boy. Damn that’s a great compliment!!! Who the Hell wants to grow up. R.I. surfer
Image is nothing… Obey your thirst.
…Once an adult…Twice a child…Herb.
“To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.” --Oliver Wendell Holmes in a letter to Julia Ward Howe on her 70th birthday. — “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind.” – Leonardo DaVinci, Notebooks. “I’m gonna make another board.” – Magoo to his wife (much to her dismay…)
my dad used these 2 sayigs a lot, but in spanish. here’s the english translations: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. (which i guess means you don’t have to know everything, just more than the next guy) i’d rather be the head of a mouse, than the tail of a lion. (which explains why he was self-employed his entire life)