
What is Ole (Bob Olson) up to these days? Is he still shaping regularly?

He is one super cool person. Ole made me my first thruster in 1982. The first board I’d not made myself in many years.

He even let me use his shaping bay a few times to shape some boards myself on the weekends. The first time he let me into his shop one weekend he so wanted me to use his planer, a long Skil. I had a big Makita that I bought in 76. But I just never touched his stuff, seemed like it would be not right. He was being kind enough to let me use his stand and lights and all leaving me in his shop alone.

Great guy, hope he is still shaping.

  Howzit Glenn, I've known Ole for about 40 years and he's alive and still shaping and living in the same house in Lahina. The last time I saw him was about 8 years ago sufing Hanalei, I always call him an old sand crab. I got to say howzit and tried to talk a while but it seems he was with a guy who had paid his way over and was going to buy a few boards from him. Well this guy thought he owned Ole by the way he acted and kept breaking into our conversation, so I just told Ole to have some fun and we'll talk next time. Haven't seen him since but 1 of my shapers goes to maui and knows him also and that's how I get updates. Aloha,Kokua

It’s great to hear Ole is still kicking.The first real handmade surfoard I ever saw was an Ole.It was being repaired by the 16 year old Grommett Jim Phillips in the Hickam Air Base Hobby Shop.This was around 1963 and Jim was on the verge of eviction for getting resin on the floor.He was like a God to me and I gladly chiseled the stuff off the US Govt. floor.I take full credit for saving Jim’s future career in the industry. RB

I’ve been off Island(Maui) for a few months; But when I left he was still over in Lahaina behind Pizza Hut. Les Potts was helping him out with the grunt work . He was still taking his boards to the cannery to be glassed by Gott. McDing

Last time I went in to say hello to Ole was in August. He’s still shaping, in the shop pretty much just tues-thurs now. Still lots of nose & tail blocks, 6" wide balsa stringers, etc. Timpone is doing his glassing now. He still does the all-ages locals only contest day at Launiupoko.

PM me if you want his phone #. Its at home but I can get back to you tomorrow.

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