once again 3 stringer lust

Ya know I chime enough and have posted a few builds and my last one was incomplete.

Most of those builds just fell through the cracks, eh maybe I’m not dramatic enough.

I live for the development of boards pure and simple.

Unfortunately as most of you know “fun” time is limited.

Me? Yeah I’ve had my ideas, which is another story.

Being an Olphart,  I have no time or new ideas, so I observe and rob others somewhat proven ideas.

“Someone " mentioned that they “loved the look of three stringered boards”.

That started me on, “big wave” board.

Kids these days are riding boards short.

Made a “step up” for “Boy” and it has been wet a while, with great feed back.

What I learned from that board, is that I really, really had to think short.

With the “El Nino” showing here. I’m thinking about “big wave” like 10’-12’ Hawaiian.

There is a lot going on with this board.

And it is funny to me that a certain Maurice Cole has influenced others and me for many years, yeah my “old school” board is a “reverse Vee” and “Boy’s,  a “Crook Shed” concave  (new /old pix).

BTW this is my first rail to rail with “serious” concave as I feel the juice will be on hand.

So here’s the results

US Blanks 6’-5” A  Orange W/ 3  4mm plywood black glue@ 6” -1/4”@12” nose +3/8” @12” tail.

Glassed (“poly”)  it a little heavy for density.

Bottom, one 4oz “D” cell

Deck, 2 4oz “D” cell staggered lap. 1 6oz E full deck patch laps @ tail and  1 6oz E center “knee patch”.

Set up truster w/400 sanded finish.

12 1/4"x19x13 x 21/2x 21/2"  -7lbs sans fins

Why not quad?

Please don’t ask!

Hoping “Boy” can do this, as the waves will come he will be ready, equipment wise (I’ve told him many times, “your there and got the board, go or you will regret it”) and we can get a ride report.

So chime in!  Good, bad or ugly…

Deep single concave for waves with juice!  Looks serious - now tell us, which spot did you have in mind?  Oxnard shores, Stables, Rincon, Overhead, Supertubes???  Or did you say “Hawaiian”??  10’ - 12’, I’ll be watching from the shore!

I am thinking low tide Rincon, ah with some ummphp!

“You aren’t shit till you’ve been pummeled from Bates Rd. to La Conchita”!

Yeah, low tide Rincon, big swell, that’s some serious stuff.  And especially because nowadays, the serious players are out in those conditions, pecking order strictly enforced.  High tide Rincon big swell, don’t want to get washed into the bay, cuz the only way out is back up to the point, no exit along the highway.  Ah to be young and full of piss and vinegar!  My aspirations are tamer these days.   Was out in 5-7’ Stables the other day, long period swell, and my leash broke on a set wave wipeout.  Took me awhile to swim in from way outside, and almost an hour to find my board!  Kinda felt like that’s about my limit in my current condition / age.

Nice board.  Looking forward to pics in action!

Funny thing about Rincon.

I got it 3 days straight in 69 and by 72 had it down.  The better riders outside of the bowl, just peeling off like a fighter squadron.

Funny side note back around 76/77 I was shocked to see a “mini” Tom Curren charging the bowl, damn kid just blew my ego all to hell.

“Boy” knows the line up and all my dirty tricks, however I’m sure he’ll use it anywhere Zuma I hope County?  Sure bet.

Here’s the 3 stick little sister “step up” in groveler conditions.






Nice! - does that one have the deep single concave also?

That foil makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  



My first single concaves came out deep and overall thin due to my “I can knock this out” attitude and serious lack of skill.

Pretty basic just 3 rockers and I am still a long way from paying off my dues and obviously, the deeper the concave the more juice needed.

Little sister here was a piss off with “Boy” we fought over length, I lost! 

5’-10" out of a custom 6-5A, close but no cigar.

Being pissed off, defeated and haunted by “the rails aren’t hard enough Popz", I began to mow.

Concave not really deep but there.

Starting @ 16" back of the nose and deepest under “Boys” feet.  But nothing like Big Sis.

Big Sis, best in a while!  Shaped, glassed and sanded her, she is what I envisioned.

Sorry no photo’s of Little Sis’s bottom (HA)  but here is what I have.

Rails? Forgiving to the hardest I’ve done in many year and not boxy.

Ride report right off, WOW Dad!

That’s how I got on this high horse.

Something about that last photo…makes me wish I had a’Matty’ t-shirt!

Nice boards, good story. -J

Love the clean lines on the single stringer.
I’ve been planning a short stepup for myself, feels weird getting on my 6’4" when I’m usually riding 5’7" to 5’9" range boards. Care to share some rocker numbers? Leaning towards lowish entry for paddling but hope that’ll work on critical bottom turns.

Aloha tej!

On the single stringer or “Lit’l SIs”, I used a US Blanks 6-5A with natural rocker.

And as the story tells wound up cuttin off 3+" each end losing more nose rocker than i wanted but still got lucky.

Searched for some photo’s showing rocker, here is the best I could do Lit’l Sis bottom of the rack and the start of my outline.

I’ve been on a search for minamal rocker see “bolt action”.  Lit’l Sis catches waves EZ and more importantly NO bog on take off.

Check the 6-5A out (edit) or the 6-2A . Also you can get them in “orange foam” lighter than red.

More questions? fire away…

Matt, those “A” series blanks are way too flat of tail rocker for shortboards.

Good for big fishes.

Try the Rusty blanks.

6’0" R and 6’5" R

They are a bit thicker, but foils and rockers are nice.

Way more tail rocker.

I order those 6’2A and 6’5"A’s with at least + 1/2" tail rocker.

Outline looks nice though.

Eh Barry,

You’re my man!

Why make a serious step up out of a fish blank?

Rockers, me, I am trying to get away with as little forward rocker as possible. 

It is not that I’m unfamiliar with the 6-5 R (orange) use it for grovelers and yeah I bend them a bit.

The first go at a step up, just grabbed a stock 6-5A    5-10 Lit’l Sis.

The next one, the three stringer I ordered  a 6’-5” A  Orange W/ 3  4mm plywood black glue@ 6”  -1/4”@12” nose +3/8” @12” tail.

Now, thank you for your interest! And in no way do I mean to discourage ANY input you may have, good bad or ugly!

Oh, my beliefs

  1. The best longboard IMO Morey Pope Peck penetrator. (That should speak volumes)…

  2. Just an “Olphart” who has no ego left and still a kid at heart, stoked and will to absorb information and advice.



Part of what makes US Blanks the best out there is the attention to doing custom rockers for customers.

Hands down, can’t be beat!

You can (relax) just about any higher-rockered blanks if you play with the measurments they have listed in their catalog.

My US Blank catalog has lots of notes of my rocker changes.

It’s basically my bible!

Thanks gents. I had a look at those blanks, pretty close to what I was thinking. Se attached slightly unrefined file.

Lil’l Sis works very well.

Only hang rails too sharp.

Here are the #‘s 5’-11" from nose 121/2", 171/2",19", 18", 15"

Just love the Go Pro!

Lit’ Sis…

Thanks for those numbers matt. Brilliant shot!

Big Sis finally got wet!

Boy got good sized Rincon.

Basically " once I got a few and had feeling of it" I started really stuffin’ it and so many rips, Pop!

Float, speed and edge, good news.

Hope to have some Go Pro stuff later.

This photo started this tread.

Sorry no photo’s I think that after his Overhead beatdown “Boy” fore goes the Go Pro in larger surf!

video “Little Sis”

Photo 1 out gunned groveler bottom turn.

Photo 2 training on stuffin the edge.

Proud Popz and shaper…


Very nice!  I hope he didn’t have to swim in from the O/Head!  Man, I still get chills when I think about the horizon going black out there!  Good on him for making the big paddle out, a hairball wave for sure.  Tell him the internet fan club is demanding some bigger wave go-pro shots.  Nah, not really, great follow up and surf shots, thanks for sharing!