Ya know I chime enough and have posted a few builds and my last one was incomplete.
Most of those builds just fell through the cracks, eh maybe I’m not dramatic enough.
I live for the development of boards pure and simple.
Unfortunately as most of you know “fun” time is limited.
Me? Yeah I’ve had my ideas, which is another story.
Being an Olphart, I have no time or new ideas, so I observe and rob others somewhat proven ideas.
“Someone " mentioned that they “loved the look of three stringered boards”.
That started me on, “big wave” board.
Kids these days are riding boards short.
Made a “step up” for “Boy” and it has been wet a while, with great feed back.
What I learned from that board, is that I really, really had to think short.
With the “El Nino” showing here. I’m thinking about “big wave” like 10’-12’ Hawaiian.
There is a lot going on with this board.
And it is funny to me that a certain Maurice Cole has influenced others and me for many years, yeah my “old school” board is a “reverse Vee” and “Boy’s, a “Crook Shed” concave (new /old pix).
BTW this is my first rail to rail with “serious” concave as I feel the juice will be on hand.
So here’s the results
US Blanks 6’-5” A Orange W/ 3 4mm plywood black glue@ 6” -1/4”@12” nose +3/8” @12” tail.
Glassed (“poly”) it a little heavy for density.
Bottom, one 4oz “D” cell
Deck, 2 4oz “D” cell staggered lap. 1 6oz E full deck patch laps @ tail and 1 6oz E center “knee patch”.
Set up truster w/400 sanded finish.
12 1/4"x19x13 x 21/2x 21/2" -7lbs sans fins
Why not quad?
Please don’t ask!
Hoping “Boy” can do this, as the waves will come he will be ready, equipment wise (I’ve told him many times, “your there and got the board, go or you will regret it”) and we can get a ride report.
So chime in! Good, bad or ugly…