surfed today. ranged from stomach to chest high. some closeouts. some peelers. some mushy. some steep. some clean. some choppy. surfed a 9’6" traditional. had fun turning it, but thought how much tighter i could have turned my fish. had fun getting into trim and turning rail to rail, but thought how much faster i could go on my hull. had a blast walking to nose, but thought how much longer i could have stayed up there had i been on my noserider. was nice paddling back to the lineup, but thought how much faster i could have gotten there on my paddleboard. was very fun even riding the choppy no so perfect waves, but thought how much faster i could have been going on my surf mat… yeah i had a crappy session.
To fly lightly across the water Gliding upon breaths of air Finding speed through stillness And control by letting go Experience maximum power Through minimum resistance Possess the ephemeral form Try a surfmat.
To fly lightly across the water>>> Gliding upon breaths of air>>> Finding speed through stillness>>> And control by letting go>>> Experience maximum power>>> Through minimum resistance>>> Possess the ephemeral form>>> Try a surfmat. if only you were to guide me yesterday oh watuzi me amore
To fly lightly across the water>>> Gliding upon breaths of air>>> Finding speed through stillness>>> And control by letting go>>> Experience maximum power>>> Through minimum resistance>>> Possess the ephemeral form>>> Try a surfmat. No Bookie , yes surfing mats