One Last Time...................3 piece Balsa Gun

Bill, your positive attitude and the good thoughts and prayers of your friends and sway bros will carry the day. Talk to you soon. Mike

I’m delighted to report that vision in the right eye is dramatically improved. I’m told to expect continued improvement over the next several days. Thank you, my Swaybrothers, for your well wishes, prayers, and words of encouragement. And, of course, thank you for the miracle that modern medicine is !

Glad to hear you are on the mend Bill!

That’s awesome! Happy news.

no foam dust in the eyes bill…say hello to the dogs for me.

Sophie, the 75 pound Pit Bull, says Hello back at you. I hope the holidays, and the current weather treat you well. I’ve found a GREAT BBQ place, close to Bird’s Surf Shed. Next time you’re down this way, we’ve gotta go get some ! Keep in touch, eh.

…let’s get thru the silly season…and get together next year ! (MEANWHILE: here’s a photo for ya to see)


Hi Bill, I don’t know how I missed the post about your eye. Hope all is well now, and you can have a Merry Christmas!

OK, you’ve got me guessing. Who dat ?

Denise Richards …Cheers !!!

Well OK, she can come to lunch too.

Theee’s company too !!!

Nice Bill!!!
Thank God for Bird and instagram!

After an 8 week layoff, due to some kind of cold/flu malady that really kicked my A$$, I stepped back into the shaping room. I completed the final block sanding of the balsa today, so the next step is to arrange for the glassing. With luck, the board will be on display at the Board Room Show, in Del Mar.

Bill, please, for the love of whomever, find someone with an iPhone and get them to post a pic. You’re killing me.

all the best

Aloha Greg,
Today I’m doing the final contour of the base of the thick foiled Black Walnut fin, to match the slight curve of the bottom. Something I’ve always done with glass-on fins. Then the board goes off to Gordon & Smith, for an outstanding glass job, with gloss and polish. I’ll see if Bird will take some photo’s of the board, and post them on his website.

Well, after parking the shaped and sanded 3 piece balsa board, on my enclosed porch for the last two months, I finally turned it over to `Gordon & Smith for glassing. I had to wait until after the Boardroom Show, to get a slot in the glassing schedule. So, sometime next month, I’ll have the finished board in my possession. The past six months were filled with one health issue, after another. All of which contributed to the delay in getting the board completed. None were life threatening, but damned inconvenient, in the aggregate. Thank you all, for your interest, and patience.

sorry to hear about the health issues Bill, getting older is not for sissies! Looking forward to seeing pics of the finished board, I know they’ll surface eventually, haha.

I can’t wait to see pics too!

…At last ! I hope to get some photo’s soon. The three pieces of balsa, are very distinctly visible. Wish I were 50 years younger, I’d be all over this board, like stink on a monkey ! There’s nothing on the North Shore, that this board could not handle.