One more for the epoxy gurus....

This weekend I finished the top coat on my epoxy fish. The deck came out so perfect that I didn’t even want to sand it. Pure glass! On the other hand, the bottom ended up with a half a dozen air bubbles that needed to be sanded. So I did. I brought it down from 220 grit to 600 using wet sandpaper. The finished product was a very respectable sanded finish, the problem is…anywhere the water dripped down the rail and onto the deck it left a white drip mark. Now my perfectly glassed deck is full of streaks. Oh yeah, and it doesn’t just wipe off with h20 and a towel.

Here’s my question: Can I rub out the drip marks with polishing compound?

I realize if I do this, the glassy finish will be gone but it I can’t live with drips on it.


That’s odd… was the resin still wet when the water dripped over?? Dryed resin should be marked by water… I guess that it could be a mark in the carbomate if this board was built in very humid/cool conditions. This would also be easy to remove, if this is the case. Denatured alcohol should remove it. Maybe try something like 409 or soft scrub ??? Kinda got me on this one…

Hi Greg,

I only assumed that the epoxy was cured. It sat for over 24 hours in dry temps ranging from 78 degrees in the day to about 60 degrees at night. And had a good hard shell.

Thanks for the tip on the denatured alcohol. I’ll try it when I get home. If that doesn’t work, do you think I can safely try the rubbing compound?