Open letter to the San Diego/So.Cal Crew

I’m not part of the “crew” but would definately be interested in getting my hands on a chunk of a block :slight_smile: I’d prefer >= 2# and want to build a standard board in the 6’3" to 6’6" range.

I started on building a hot wire cutter after the cerritos event. I got a 18V - 5amp power supply that was for a laptop, and after a LOT of searching I found some wire that is actually sold for hotwiring at a local model train place by my house. It gets hot fairly quickly and I tested it on a little piece I got from the event and it worked great, but I wasn’t cutting a length of foam as wide as Ken was. I haven’t built a frame yet, I was waiting until I got some foam to see how wide I need to make it.

Let me know.

Hey there,

To all that were there on Saturday, Had a great time, I hope that you guys liked my dad’s Carne Asada that I cooked up with Rich’s help who brought the grill. Hey I would be more than instrested in picking up a block of foam. I have a supplier here in Gardena that makes foam. I was thinking about calling them and finding out if they would be able to make us a couple of blocks of 3.5 or possibly 4.0lbs. foam. I have used their products for the last 15 years in the building trades.

If you are interested please let me know, as I will call them up this week to find out if they can build us blocks of foam. I know that Ken is going to using insul-foam for his products. If we do go for these blocks I would suggest buying a 26x49x120 and a 26x49x80in, that way we can get at least 15 longboards and 15 shortboards from this cost. I know I do get breaks on the more foam that I purchase at one time.

This is a serious amount of cash to start shaping 30 boards. If you interested please e-mail me.

Also side note: I have a company that cuts my foam for building trades that is selling a used CNC wire foam cutting machine that can cut 10 blanks at one time. If you are thinking of becoming a supplier of the ESP foam, this would be the ticket. Cash outlay for the machine is $10,500.00 with the cost of the computer included.



hey, I’m interested in getting foam too, although I won’t have room to shape until april. I’d also like to meet some of you, as I had to miss the summer gettogether because of family reasons.

I’m also interested in the Balsa thing, but not together: the vacuum bagging process seems to be way out of my league.



San Diego Crew,

I would love to get in on this with you guys, if you plan on keeping it with in the “clique” I completley understand as well. I currently in Dana Point via San Diego (learned at Dog Beach/ O.B. jetty, grew up surfing the O’side jetties, and get back to the cliffs as much as humanly possible), and would gladly make the drive down to help contribute to the cause. I still got family on the cliffs so I get down there as much as time will afford me, and can start to contribute funds as soon as the holidays are over. I would primarily be interested in the traditional hand lay up process with the heavier pound densities of foam, as I would like to become more comfortable with the traditional techniques before moving on sandwich construction. It’s great to see so many people in our community pulling together to give these techniques ago. Good luck everyone and good shaping to you.

Regards, Tony.

Ok Ray,

Count me in I will invest in some foam.

Keith you can use my truck for the balsa.


I’m in. Just tell me where and how.

Stay tuned everyone…

Let me work out a few details and we’ll do this !

Maybe mid January

Merry Christmas


On my way to get the balsa tomorrow. 4 foot lengths, 3/8 thick. Lots to expeiment with. Here’s a pic:

Thats insane! It puts my puny balsa pile to shame!

I’m in. Keep me posted on the details.

Happy Holidays to all.


I’ve got a couple of #2 blanks with stingers that I could donate for people to shape. I did’nt finish them because I hated the 1/8" plywood stringers and overall rocker. Someone may be able to get something usable from them, or just get the feel for shaping eps. -mv

I’m in for some balsa.

I hope you have gotten some of this swell! Let me know if you need help with truck or whatever.

Oh yeah I nearly forgot, I have a hotwire cutter!

Jesus L.

Heck if everybody else is doing it I may as well do it too. This whole not having blanks things is getting old. Sign me up.

ps. we were down in Baja at the begining of this week… WOW!

I’m in…If there’s still “room”.

Ok guys, Ray and I have talked here’s the poop, I mean scoop. We have all kinds of guys (any girls?) wanting in. Short and longboards to made, fishes, guns and bonzers and more. The best bet is to make a list of what length you want. The 16’ block from Insulfoam we can cut to two 8 footers or a 10 footer and a 6 footer. If you want something longer than 10 feet you get 16 feet. Unless someone has a better idea!!!

Last I counted we had 13 people with interest in splitting a block. Probably more now. We probably need two to include everyone. Please email me (my addy is in my profile) whatcha want. We will make a list and check it twice. From there someone with math skills can figure out who will owe what.

Do we cut it flat or does everyone bring rocker templates? 3" cuts or 4" cuts? More questions/ideas??!!

Jesus, thanks for offering the cutter. We can do this at my house, Laguna Niguel, or somewhere else if that is more convenient location wise. I will call Insulfoam and check on a custom width closer to board sizes rather than the 39" they offer. If someone else has a another source let us know.

I will call Insulfoam and check on a custom width closer to board sizes rather than the 39" they offer. If someone else has a another source let us know.

I believe the standard dimension is 39"x49". If you pay them to split the block down the 49" dimension then your getting 2 blocks already. 49 = 24.5 * 2 so that is a pretty good width. I’m one of the few doing boards as wide or wider than 24". Could also consider cutting a longboard/fish block and a short board block. i.e. maybe a 22" wide and 27" wide just more ideas. With some clever rocker template layout a lot of blanks can come out of a block.

some, like myself, want a block not just a blank or 2. more variables.

I totally agree with your suggestion to get a list of what everyone is after and then deturmine the number of blocks needed. There is a chance we could get a discount if we have enough for a couple of blocks.

Ah another thought. What might help in understanding what is needed would be if people stated which clark blank resembles what they are after. That would give a sence of rocker to determine how much of the block will be consumed.

oh and b.t.w., thanks for taking the lead on this.

Hi Keith,

Is there still room to get on the balsa bus?

I have a pick-up truck and some bread.

Only need enough to make one short board, would like more if availble.

Let me know bud, Im in Cardiff.



858 752 1011

It would be easiest, quickest, least likely to blow up in your face (I don’t think you want to spend the time making sure everybodies blanks comes out true and people with rough blanks would be busting wires like crazy). I would recommend selling them in 6" thickness increments (they could buy 6", 1’, 1.5’ etc…)

I would recommend selling them in 6" thickness increments (they could buy 6", 1', 1.5' etc...)

this is a good suggestion

  1. means people don’t have to have there hotwire rocker templates ready for pick-up

  2. make division of the blank simple

  3. for those doing compsands it is good to have your off cuts for a rocker bed

Some wanting to get their hands on that balsa and and others wondering how to divvy up the styrofoam, this thread is sounding more like the movie, It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World