Opening Pandora's box....................

…Hope you can make it to the gathering.NO ONE is little in my book ever!!!You guys are tops!!!Herb

I’m hoping to. It would be nice to put a face on all you folks and thank you personally for all your help for the past two years.

You’ve never seen herbie surf have you?He’s like in his late 40s still rides 6ft surfboards and can out surf most 25 year old pros.Airs,big overhead elevator drop floaters,and the longest tube ride I have ever seen anyone get anywhere.He’s very well respected by those guys that have surfed with him for any length of time.Big or small,long or short,mats,boogies,even kneeboards,and one of the best fisherman I know.I’m not trying to put you down or anything…he’s just herbie.

What knee board, body board and surf mat does Herb Spitzer ride? Or seriously recommend? Why? Thanks in advance.

He’ll have to tell ya.Seriously,he can ride just about anything that floats.

Herbie Fletcher?

Herbie Spitzer.Not Fletcher.

…I have a early/mid 80s Madrid bodyboard that I’m addicted to.At the time it was released to the public forsale,it was the largest boogie on the market.It also was the first to have a slick bottom and rails on it.No longer in production,this gem would be hard to replace.It’s a heavy bas*d,wts more than most of my short boards,paddles like sht,but getting it in a wave is second nature(because of the wt.)and it glides better than any others I have tried so far.Oh Yeah, it has a dual concave bottom giving it a triple plane set-up. …Kneeboards,anything will work,it’s just surfing on your knees.If I was to go and buy one,something wide,short,and loose,like a fish. …Mats,love to have one of Dale’s,YEAH!but what my friend was witnessing, was me riding a vinyl mat for camping(used for padding under your sleeping bag).Paddled great,rode like sht compared to a canvas mat THAT IS…if you’re hungry enough you can ride anything!!!Herb