is it possible to order a blank with different rocker? say additional rocker in the tail? if so, how? must i call clark directly or would i be best off using someone like foam e-z?
Foam e-z cab do this for you, consider the extra cost and the time however. What are you going to shape that you need the special rocker for, can’t you make it from the blanks theyre offering? Peter Rijk>>> is it possible to order a blank with different rocker? say additional > rocker in the tail? if so, how? must i call clark directly or would i be > best off using someone like foam e-z?
is it possible to order a blank with different rocker? say additional > rocker in the tail? if so, how? must i call clark directly or would i be > best off using someone like foam e-z? What I often do is lay out the existing rocker on stringer material. I block off one half of the blank on this existing rocker and flex it to the new rocker I want, then draw the new lines and compare it to the old rocker. You have to have an idea of what will happen when you add the extra or less rocker and visualize what the board will be doing with these curves. If you are in the San Clemente area, Bashams will custom order for you through Clark.