OT...Building a web site,,,

…What’s a good way to build a web site???.. Thanks… Paul

…What’s a good way to build a web site???..>>> Thanks…>>> Paul It really depends on your skills with a computer. Front Page is used by many, Publisher is pretty good. But it also depends on what you want to do. Flash is great for active graphics if you can learn how to use it. If you are fairly skilled with the machine, you can buy some books on it and do a gret job. If not, hire someone. There are pleanty of kids out there in college that are good at it and companies that offer services as well. If you know a college student who can do it, they would be stoked to get a little cash for their first “pofessional” website.

…What’s a good way to build a web site???..>>> Thanks…>>> Paul Hi Paul, Been meaning to get in touch with you just to tell you, again, how much I’m enjoying the fin I got from you. Lot’s of people remark about it once they see it on my longboard. They all marvel at the foil thickness and I just tell them it means, “speed!” I created a website for my Union using Microsoft FrontPage. I started with ‘98 and the upgraded to 2000 when it came out. I haven’t upgraded to 2002. It was relatively easy to build. I just used one of the templates or pre-exisitng webs that comes with the program. Although you know and I know that nothing about computers is that easy and what I mean by that specifically is TIME. I invested a lot of time, learned what I needed to learn to make it work, and have stuck with that format. I try to think “KISS,” as that is my best operating speed. Take a look at it and see what you think. www.iaff1171.org If you want to chat about it send me an email at . Or I can give you a call if you’d like. gary

Paul, I have been doing websites for over 3 years now and want to know what type of site you are planning? I ask only because I have a ton of free time these days and I am always looking for fun projects to add to my portfolio. Check out my own site: http://www.flatirondesign.com/ Email me at if you are interested

Paul, …I’m still trying to figure out my computer…sheesh!Herb

…What’s a good way to build a web site???..>>> Thanks…>>> Paul >Paul just use your mouse and right click on the page not on a subject then left click on view source there it is, now study your HTML, it’s really not that tough if you take your time. Jim

Hi Paul, 1) Get a free web space from your ISP or apply one from geocities, etc. 2) If you prefer more professional, get a domain, e.g. : www.crabie.com, etc. The webhosting service costs around US$10.00 monthly. 3) Plan the structure of web, e.g. if I gonna write something about DIY surfboard, the structure will be : i) Introduction ii) Materials & tools iii) Shaping iv) glassing v) glossing vi) Finished boards pics vii) Related links viii) Contact info. Just make the web like a book, you re the editor, have to make it clear and simple. 4) Choose the appropriate HTML editor : i) Frontpage from Microsoft is relatively easy to use, thought the interface is not pretty enough. ii) Netscape Communicator bundles with a html editor, its free and easy to use, not much function provides. iii) If you have some experience in HTML editing, you can use Dreamweaver from Macromedia. iv) Flash from Macromedia is my favour but its hardly to use for those beginner, it includes some programming technique and its best works with vector graphic ( Illustrator ) 5) If you dont have any html editor in hand, try the Netscape Communicator, it’s free~~~~~~~… 6) Put the contents/writing/pics in the appropriate space, use photo retouching software, e.g. photoshop, to resize the pics, my practice is to minimize the loading of a click/page to no more than 120 kb, cos some 56K dial up user have to wait a decade to view the page. 7) Website navigation, the way how you lead the readers to view the pages. 8) Get a ftp program to upload the whole website into the web, try WS-FTP Pro, its free and easy to use. 9) Building a website is likely of building a surfboard, practice more and you’ll have a better result. 10) If you need any assistance, email me : Regards, Crabie