OT - El Salvador???

Hi all - read/heard much on the right points in El Salvador. Sounds sketchy at best - the local situation. Good waves in the am mostly, due to wind deterioration in the pm… Any thoughts, knowledge etc. would be greatly appreciated.

I am planning a summer get away. I hope to go for @ 6 weeks of camping to surf. For me the primary issue is good uncrowded waves. I mention this because I have friends, and have read of others, who love the great party scene in Costa Rica, and other “centro/mex” locals… it sounds as though surf quality and quantity take a back seat to the “fun factor” e.g. warm water, “party time.”

That being said, I camped for month on Kauai a couple summer ago, and it was great. Plenty of good surf with little to no crowds -save that one left point/reef… you guys know which one. Anyway, I’m a “regular footer” and want to go right and get barrelled. (Right, like who doesn’t want to go frontside and get tubed! Ha!)

Thanks for any help - Taylor

i would not be doing any camping in el salvador !!!


I have been there, and La Libertad scared the bejeezus out of me. Two weeks turned into two days, real fast. It’s not a question of ‘will you’ get nailed, it’s a question of ‘when’. It’s the F@rking DMZ, still. Maaan - where I was staying, the freakin’ janitor was carrying a riot gun, ok?

Having said that, my buddy ( an El Sal veterano of many years ) stayed on. And loved it. But what he was doing was hanging with Jim Rotherham - his father Bob runs the nicest place in La Libertad for food, bar and place to stay - and Jim kinda guided him around the places to the south and west which were absolutely delightful.

The food is good, the booze is great, a The’ Helado is about the nicest non-alcohol drink in Central America, especially on a hot day in the main El Sal airport while waiting for a buddy that’s coming from the States.

Let me see if I can find a link… yeah


Okay - hook up with them. And have the plat du jour at Bob’s restaurant, two stories up overlooking the water. If you want to make points, Bob prefers the Flors de Cana seven year old amber rum you can score at the airport duty-free and likes it better than the pricier Centenario. Bring him a bottle, say the bald kneeboarder guy ( Tom’s buddy) from Cape Cod told you to.

hope that’s of use


i think camping would be a bit sketchy as well. i was down there in1998 and it was …tense, for lack of a better word.

i hear its changed alot but based on my experience i would advise against camping anywhere . we stayed in a few places ,zunzal,la libertad and out east . it was right after hurricane mitch hit and killed all those people in the floods and mudslides.

at one of the places we stayed , the guy renting to us told us to close the windows at night and lock them. we did this for about a week and at night it was like an oven in there. impossible to sleep. one night these two local guys show up , their surfers , and one of them pulls a 12 gauge pump out of his board bag and says “you need it around here.”

enough said.

anyway we stay up till about 2 a.m. talking, drinking and shooting off the 12 guage with these guys and decided that things were safe now with this gun around and since sunrise was only 3 hours away what the hell, sleep with the windows open.(by the way there were steel bars over the windows as well.)

so about 4 in the morning i woke up for some reason and i see this silouette in the window fishing out anything he could get through the bars with this 15 foot long bamboo pole with a hook on the end. he got a bunch of clothes and was just about to empty out one of our bags that contained passports, money etc. i yelled ,he ran.

he had tied a sock between the bars and was silently cleaning us out one item at a time.

the next day we tell this security guy who was guarding the place next door what had happened. he returned an hour later with quite the proposition, he would find out who took our stuff and execute them in front of us if we could get he and his family passage into the states. unreal.

for the remainder of the trip we stayed in “group” accommodations.

safety in numbers , it felt that way anyway.

the difference in classes down there was staggering. saturday night in san salvador, college kids in volvos and beemers on cell phones, doing the club thing,while right out of town people literally living in boxes in the dirt.

i can understand the motivation, work for months on end to be able to afford a pair of trunks,???or just grab a few pair in the middle of the night from some guys who can actually afford to take time to just go surfing???

pretty easy decision.

i have to agree wit doc ,in that if we hadent found some local guys (luis and rodrigo the shotgun guy) to guide us through the last week of our trip it would have been a TOTALLY different trip.

sketch was the word. i honestly cant remember relaxing while i was there .the guys i went with share these feelings. in fact, i left 2 days before them,and on their last day (easter. see: alcohol+latin machismo+no tollerance for said alcohol= problem)they were out at zunzal and heard this whizzing sound followed by a “CRACK!!!” after a few of these they realized that some genius had decided that a great way to celebrate easter would be to get blind drunk and take shots at the surfers with a rifle.


again these are my own personal experiences , at the time the country was just a few short years out of a civil war and there was still alot of heavy vibe in the air. lots of guns floating around too i was told .things may be completely different now.

actually, i met a couple of guys recentley in baja who have been going every year for five or so years now and they swear its the best thing going. one of them is in finnace and he helped this local guy crunch some numbers and get a hotel going with surf tourism in mind.

it turns out the salvadoran guy doing the hotel is my old freind that showed up with the shotgun at our place years before.

small world.

i dont know if el salvador is a "camping " kind of place. the resort/hotel trip might be a better choice for this particular country.

the waves are great,the countryside is beautiful, you should have a good trip.

just keep an eye on your shit and use common sense , as you would in any third world country .

DON’T GO TO EL SALVADOR. I was just there a couple of weeks ago and everything these guys are saying is still so true. It seemed like we were paying bribes constantly just to move around. The people were horrible. I don’t know if you’ve ever been somewhere where the people just outright hated you, but it’s a scary feeling for sure. I hate to stereotype groups of people, but it only takes one person to prove my thoughts wrong, and that person never came. I was told that most of the gangs hang out in the cemetery on the point right after dark and to get in from the surf before the dusk, because they’d strip you naked and take everything you have. That being said we’re not obnoxious americans. We are quiet, respectful and humble, in some places this just doesn’t matter though.

Most of the points are kind of soft, but there are some barrels to be found for sure. Some of the funnest most rippable rights in central america, that I’ve seen thus far. El salvador could be okay for you if all you want to do is surf, but for the rest of the day and night I’d recommend locking yourself up tight in your cabina. For good people and less crowded waves I’d recommend checking out Panama, much better vibe and good uncrowded surf (compared to costa rica). Nicaragua was also cool, decent surf and better vibes, still got some stinkeye though.


I was told that most of the gangs hang out in the cemetery on the point right after dark and to get in from the surf before the dusk, because they’d strip you naked and take everything you have.

Ah yes- See, my buddy Tom and I were walking up the road to the point in La Libertad with our boards, past where somebody got shot the month before. Broad daylight, early afternoon. And we came to the end of the road, just before the Navy cemetary - which you can identify by the couple of shellholes blown in the wall. Well, this cat comes walking out of a shellhole, camera, tourist clothes…but he don’t look gringo. Then he goes walking back in. A few minutes pass, and out come his buddies… …carrying machetes. And, speaking as somebody who is none too bad at it, they had done a very good job of sharpening said machetes. Very good job indeed. ah huh. I said to Tom, ‘Ya know, amigo, I don’t think we’re surfing the point today"…and we gave it a miss. Look, there, there are the rich pendejos in El Sal and then there are the people, and they are mutual enemies and have been for generations. A rich gringo pendejo ( like you and me ) is …well, if you don’t have a protector, you are dog meat. No matter how much you may identify and sympathise with the people. No matter how nice a guy you may be. I planned two weeks, I stayed two days. And it’s not like I am Mister Gringo Whitebread. I’ve been places, been shot at and missed, been sliced at and hit… but I didn’t need it, y’know? Granted, I was coming from two months in Panama, which is soft and gentle outside Panama City and especially the old city. I was kinda lulled and kicked back, but that changed my scene all around and I boogied my aging arse out of there most ricky tick. If, and only if, you want to hook up with somebody there that’s connected ( a protector) , you will probably be okay. In their connected hotel, their connected trips, etc. See what I am getting at? On your own, no. It was a freakin’ war zone not all that long ago. Guess who sold 'em the bombs, the ammo and the ever popular land mines. Uh huh. The US flag shoulder patch isn’t gonna make you any friends. Especially with the crack kids who own the night in La Libertad. My call - look elsewhere if your camping plans don’t include the 11th Armored Cavalry as fellow campers, and even then watch out for incoming. On your own, in a tent… oh maan, won’t be pretty. hope that’s of use doc…

Has anyone stayed at the surf camp run by Wavehunters called Las Flores? It’s pricey but is it safe?


i know what you intend to say - the US supplied weapons to the El Salv gov’t - - but the weapons used by the rebels wuz soviet weaponry - via la habana and managua.

funny thing about el salv - is that even outside their borders, they are known to be the most industrious and honest people. (a friend of mine who spent most of his time in Special Forces felt they were the only group of soldiers in Lat Am he could trust) You even hear Panamanians say that.

that being said - El Salv has excellent swell exposure and surf - but the civil war blooded the country. tiny country + largest in Central Am/densest pops + a decade plus of civil war + US and Soviets supplying weapons + good surf = best surf adventure of yr life if you survive it, or worst choice you ever made

I was just backpacking solo through Central America for all of March and half of April, and went Panama to Guatemala. Way too fast of a trip for sure. I did head out to the coast of ES, as I had been there before and surfed it. So I stayed in La Libertad.

Like Doc, I lasted 2 days. The town itself literally stinks. The waves were good, but the water quality leaves something to be desired. Very murky. It was also the only place that I got robbed. Not much, just my shirt and sandals and sunscreen and a few dollars which was all I had on me. But broad daylight and right on the main beach.

I have nothing against ES, and it was my second-to-favorite country in Central America. (Nicaragua was the best. I’d go there any time.) But La Libertad was definitely scuzzy. I would head further up and out of town and stay in Zunzal. Water was cleaner and people friendlier. (All of the rest of ES is very friendly. I had some of my best conversations and met the neatest people there.) And don’t worry too much about the supefleury of guns around there. That country employs over 18000 security guards, and almost all have shotguns on them…

Maybe take a vehicle and head out along the coast. Pick a decent hotel, and then stay there. Take along a padlock and padlock your backpack or bag to the plumbing or something like that whenever you leave. then surf anywhere outside the immediate area of La Libertad. hate to bag on this town, but drugs and hate are rampant there. just stay out of the mess if you can…

Thanks for all the info dudes/bros/mans/guys/etc.s… Ha! (Do people still use Swayaholic? We need a easy one like Swayer, Locker… Do you Sway? How does that sound? Ha!) Seriously.

I’ll throw out where I’m at. Sounds - looks like some good right hand points, which is of great interest to me. All the other stuff… I don’t consider myself a light weight, but I’m also not interested in what sounds like a pretty hard core scene… I guess as Red said, I could go out side of the main city…

In the interest of $$$ I’m definately in “camp” mode, but I also understand one can find cheap - safe places to pitch a tent. I hear getting around in Costa is not bad due to good cheap busses… Again, I had a good time w/a cheap rental car and camping on Kauai.

Anyway - I’m open and inviting thoughts from you all. I feel confident in most surf up to DOH, and can have a pretty low comfort level, but I am into relaxing from a school year of trying helping incorrigibles try to see a better path, and surfing good uncrowded waves. I guess one of the bottom lines I can throw out for your consideration - I can spend @ $20+/day to live, and get around.

Thanks again for all the help, support, and encouragement - Taylor


In the interest of $$$ I’m definately in “camp” mode, but I also understand one can find cheap - safe places to pitch a tent

I haven’t been to El Salvador, but I’ve been to some other places in that general neck of the woods many years ago. One thing is for sure - things change over the years. For me that means the latest info is just about the only info that matters. Check out the U.S. State Department warnings and advisories (also health issues).

I too see “first choice” as camping when possible, but in some circumstances the old phrase “your money or your life” can become uncomfortably real. Just being by yourself makes you a target of opportunity for all manner of bad guy. Can you still go there and have a great trip? Maybe, perhaps even probably…but why roll the dice on your life? Especially if you are looking for a vacation from the stresses of educational incarceraton. Spending a few weeks somewhere you can’t really trust anybody you see…hell, that sounds like work to me!

If it were me I’d say “piss on the tropics in summer” and head to France or Spain. You can dirtball it there, meet lots of people, see naked German housewives on the beach (betcha don’t see much of that in the PNW, eh?), eat and drink well…and surf your brains out. There is also the Mexico option, South America, plus the others already mentioned. With more time than money you can skip the surf camps and grovel with the locals.

Good advice Nels.

Y’know Taylor, I’ve been wanting to go there for years but being a father and all I just cant justify the risk. If you do go, I’d go as far away from the La Libertad area…go far to the east. Ive seen video from there with Jimmy R. ripping up this hollow righty.

Its a real personal dilema getting great uncrowded right handers within reasonable reach. Seems like most rights are either too crowded or too far away. I get the impression that for every good right in the world, there are five or more good lefts.

The surfing world is defintely a goofy footers dream come true.


camping in CR will probably be allright…but don’t make the mistake of comparing to Kauai. in central america you’re a gringo = you’re a potential target (goes for euro/aus/nz/canadian whateva — basically anyone who idn’t from that particular neck of the woods)

not only that – but it’s way hotter and buggier here than kauai. anyone who’s ever survived a night on a beach in these parts when the wind stops and the sandfleas (chitras) come out has experienced true hell, where every minute feels like an hour.

Well, well, well… Thanks again all. I can’t say you have talked me out of it, but I can’t say you have talked me into it. I guess my confession is; If I go straight south, as it were, I go and stay alone… If I go to Kauai, my beloved woman comes too, and for/to me that’s a great thing. Never the less, I have a friend w/land next to a point in Nicaraugu (sp?) - and I am going to consult w/him when he gets back from Mex. I don’t know.

Ah, to live in a time, in a life, where these are big questions for me… Can’t get to worked up. Ha!

Thanks again all.

Viva la Sways!

I’ll try not to bump this up again, but I may just to let you know what I’ve desided. (Yeah - I know, don’t mock my spelling and crappy lazy computer skills, sorry - I don’t teach much spelling.) Taylor

“I need all the friends I can get.” Charly Brown

a friend of mine goes to el sal on business once in awhile.he ended up connecting with a local guy who provides him a place to sleep, meals and personal guide to some really sweet spots.in addition, when with him,surfing the main spots,there is no hassle from other locals.if interested, i can get his contact info for ya…

In response to:

“I need all the friends I can get.” Charly Brown

Oh Taylor… then why are you so mean to me… neighbor? I hope, for your sake, my fellow swalockiod, that no one

tells you to “Beat it Kook” down yonder south, they might have more backing it up than “Addict Status” on an internet chat site (albiet, a very fine internet chat site;)

Buen viaje amigo! I wish I only knew how to make those stinking upside down apostrophy marks…


Touche’. I honestly thought that was your first and only post. Sorry. Taylor.