OT: Moving to Ventura area?

I’ve got an offer for a job in Ventura area (Santa Paula) and curious to know if anyone has suggestions on where to live (or possibly have a rental available–feel free to PM or email me), areas to avoid, etc. Obviously close to surf would be good, but I’m more concerned about having shop space (at least a 2 car garage) and being able to commute to work in Santa Paula without a car. A quick craigslist check suggested that getting rent around $1600/mo would be a good expectation, but then I don’t know anything about the area. Thoughts?


Santa Paula is about 10 miles inland from the ocean.

Do what everybody else does, get a weekly or monthly motel rate somewhere that hits your fancy.

Live in the area, scope out the ads, ask questions after that.

Port Hueneme is good.  About 20 min from Santa Paula on the Beach between Pt. Mugu and Silver Strand.

p.s.  You HAVE to own a car out here.  Nothing is close in So. Cal.

Good Luck.



Thanks guys…I’ll have a car, I just prefer not to commute to work–I’ve had the luxury of being able to walk or ride my bike to work for the past 10 years (but I commuted to school 2 hours a day through all my childhood) and it would be a hard thing to give up.

I’ll probably try to come out in the next month or two to find housing, but I’ll be pretty constrained as I have to finish up my current gig and probably won’t have too much free time. -mike

I would commute to Santa Paula as opposed to living there.  Hueneme and Ox-Tura are ok for living.  You're probably not going to commute twenty miles a day in the rain on a bicycle.  There was an add for a shaping room in the Oxnard/Ventura area in the Sway's Surf Shop just recently.

live E. ventura, easy drive to Santa paula.  Barge the point.

rent out a space in an industrial park and convert part of it into living quarters. people do it all the time.

Rent a place in Ventura walk or bike to the beach and surf at the point , ride your bike to S P its an easy ride no hills i think there is a cycle path all or part of the way.

Save on all that $hit,

Get an old shopping cart, get a Blue poly tarp....eat behind the Von's, and poop in the rose bushes by Auntie's house.

Ditch the cops and look out for the homeless bashers......all's good.   I even think theres space under the overpass on the 101, right next to the pedophile in his underwear, and the Charles Manson look alike guy.   You might even get lucky and score a babe...she might even have half of her teeth!! BONUS!

You guys are killing me.

Hey, does the air still stink of pig poo in the mornings in Ventura?  I spent a couple days there and in the morning before the wind picked up you could smell the “fertilizer” from the mushroom farms that are in the area.  As I recall, that was just about the only negative I found while I was there.  Ventura was a nice town, there’s some nice surf spots, and the water isn’t too much colder than in San Diego.


Hey, does the air still stink of pig poo in the mornings in Ventura?  I spent a couple days there and in the morning before the wind picked up you could smell the "fertilizer" from the mushroom farms that are in the area.  As I recall, that was just about the only negative I found while I was there.  Ventura was a nice town, there's some nice surf spots, and the water isn't too much colder than in San Diego.



Never mind

Oh yeah.  Offshore winds blow the smells of the mushroom farm and the water processing plant “pooper plant” into the line up. Nice and RIPE!

I moored my boat in Ventura one week while cruising the channel islands and when I woke up in the morning the smell really took me by surprise.  I really liked Ventura, really cool town and the surf looked great.  Just that one teeny tiny issue.  ;)

Yeah, Ventura really stinks! It also really sucks too! You are all better off going somewhere else.

sure does! i really miss the smell of the old cattle feed lot(where the mall is) during off shore winds. also, the smell of orang blossoms and morning glory from all the orchards that are now long gone. thankfully we still have the mushroom farm…

The Feed Lot?!?! Wow, that's going back! I miss the citrus groves too and if the Oxnerd City Council has it's way they will develop the entire Ox. plain.

Remember not too long ago when the compost pile caught fire at Pictsweet? God Bless the onshores. Take that River Ridge!