had a surf with 6’ 2 120kg “kiricore” , him riding a mat , and myself also on a mat .
it was interesting seeing a big guy riding a mat .
for a change there was a bit more swell around too , so we took a couple of floggings !
nothing compared to young pascal [‘popeye’] , on his 9’ mal ,
who managed to
get a fish hook lodged in the top of his left foot [his back one?] while surfing the inside section near some fishos .
I hope you managed to get it out okay , mate , and that it is not infected .
… please be careful around fishermen , people . [they usually find the best bank and gutters to set up on]
imagine the story the fisherman had when he got home… lol.
…it must be “foot month” , eh ?
so far , in december this year …
kiricore stood on a nail [heel] ,
i stood on some barbed wire [heel] ,
pascal caught a fish hook [top of the foot]
let’s hope if Ian [‘sandgroper’ / ‘zap’] surfs with us again soon , that HE manages to stay injury free eh ?!
[although , come to think of it …BOTH his feet are bleeding , ulcerated messes , following his first mat surf with flippers , without using booties or socks ?]
December 31, 2006, 9:30am
i’m so guilty of running through fishermans lines while riding a malibu. that get so agro when there fishing line gets cut by a 10" single fin…
January 1, 2007, 10:10am
Hi Ben
Thanks, my foot is fine. No signs of infection, thank neptune.
You should have seen the old fisherman’s faces when I got “hooked”. They thought they’d finally caught the big one!
They were reeling in frantically, while I was in the shorebreak waving and shouting at them trying to tell them to stop pulling on the damn lines.