got in a fight with my fred tool today and ended up with 27 stitces :slight_smile: So just play nice with fred. Who would of thought that you could do that. 

Yikes, What’s a fred? Man all it takes is to let your mind go off what you’re doing for a second…

    Howzit girvin, I think you owe us an explaination how you got that many stiches from 2 surforms and a block of wood. Aloha,Kokua

Is your fred tool a 7.5 amp or a 5.5?

What did Fred ever do to you?

Well i am not sure what happened. I think I was holding the blank with my left hand bc my weight was lost. I must of snagged something and got a little off balance and it just went strait into my hand. It looks identical to parkos heel cut except going from my thumb to my palm. I blame the Led Zepplin. 15 outside and the rest in. At least I finally got canadian healthcare, it cost me nothing except the 2 weeks I can’t shape for. BTW the shop looks like a murder scene bc I had to pull the tape off a double resin pinline before I went to the ER, LOL. 

"BTW the shop looks like a murder scene bc I had to pull the tape off a double resin pinline before I went to the ER, LOL."

ha ha ha, quote of the year candidate.

Kokua, What’s the configuration of a “fred”? Is it the same as Girvin’s definition? Because, that heel cut of Parko’s is serious.

2 surform blades set at certain angle in a peice of wood foam ez has pics on their websites

That must have been one helluva shove! How’s the heath care system work out? Would you recommend it for the States? Should we change our system?

Yes I didn’t pay a cent! After paying for emergency rooms my whole life in the states I am going with Canada n this one. My motorcycle wreck costed me 8k after all said and done.

In the end, how does the program get funded? It has to come from somewhere. Is it the good outweighs the bad?

My brother has a fred tool, but I just use my surform or a block with sand paper. I found that the Fred tool may be faster, but sometimes it will dig in and cut more than I want, or make a rough cut that I have to clean up.

Now with you experience, I may just never use that thing again. We used to think of FRED as meaning Fkin ridiculous electronic device. 

show us the damage girvy


  and then i can post up my groin slash shot again , for the late arrivals here


  make it a BLOODY good thread eh ?  hahah  vampires delight [jokes]

man, if you got blood on that board, seal it in there with the lam and they can clone you in the future!

"Fred" doesn't have to have sureform blades to work. I made one by cutting my angle on my block with a table saw, gluing a piece of 50 grit sandpaper to another strip of wood, then screwing it to the block base where you would screw the sureforms to it. Works great, and doesn't have that nasty sureform habit of taking chunks out where you really don't want/need to.

12 stitches inside 15 out…[img_assist|nid=1052391|title=stitches|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]

nice! i was expecting more of a ragged cut from Fred... that looks like a pretty clean slice

    Howzit tblank, It's just as girvin says except the angle is 30 degrees, he must have caught the end of the surform blade to cut his hand like that.Aloha,Kokua

Hey Kokua, heard you made the transition…culture shock? Or is it just the heat? Those freds, I’m pretty thick but I don’t see the advantage. I’d rather have full vision by using screens after the planer.