over sanded

I just completed building a new eps/epoxy board using resin research with the fast hardener. I over sanded a few areas and I would like to repair them but i have run out of resin. I would like to know if i could use the new blue resin research epoxy for the repairs even though I used the older type of resin research epoxy to make the board?

No problem whatsoever Tony…even different brands can be used for repairs if you rough the surface adequately.

Just take care blending in the edges of any glass patches and give the repaired area a lick of filler to seal the weave.


Oh but some Ugly-ol’ resins may be a yellow patch…

Good to work with same brand, or at least similar clarity, if you can get it.


thanks for responses.i think i really have to be careful when sanding epoxy because it sands quicker or it is thinner. next time i think i will turn down the speed on my sander. also since i have been doing cutlaps i don’t have to sand as much. Ace critiqued one of my previous boards and advised me to do cut laps. He was absolutely right. It came out a lot smoother. If you’re not a pro builder, take your board to a pro for his assessment. It will be worth your time.

I seem to have the same trouble even when pulling the resin out of the laminate very well… so from now on im going to start bagging my laminates to make sure theres no bumps