Paint bleed - advice needed!

I’ve just finished the bottom lamination on my second board. Feeling a bit more adventurous, I spray painted the rails and added pin lines.

I’m very pleased with the lamination itself, but in one small spot, a patch of blue paint has bled onto the white foam (caused, I think, but a few loose strands of cloth that moved onto the foam when I was squeegeeing the laps). The resin has gelled but is not yet solid so I have removed the troublesome strands of cloth, however there remains a small blue patch on the foam.

As I see it I have three options to resolve this:-

  1. Leave it an live with it;

  2. Once the resin is hard, gently sand the area in question with very fine sandpaper until I am back down to the foam; or,

  3. Tape off up to the pinlines and spray paint the deck white.

I’m probably swaying towards option 2 at the moment, but any other advice or recommendations would be gratefully received.



Laminate the deck as usual, hot-coat as usual, sand as usual, then draw right on the paint spot with a Posca pen (or similar) some funny little guy saying: “Hey, would you believe that paint bleeded all over here?”

make a second pin line of a deeper color to cover it

A small patch…meaning 6in x 6in blob of putrid blue, that’s a little patch, or just a little fleck like a few dog hairs? If a little fleck, let it be and make sure you don’t do it on the next board. If it’s a big blue blob, make something out of it, put a rice paper laminate around it with different colors. Draw eye and ears on it, make it a little surf god.

I’m with the other guys, don’t compramise function/structure for cosmetics. I’ll will mean more work and you may cause more problems than when you started.

If it’s small leave it, once its waxed and in the water you will forget its even there and no one esle will notice either.

If it is too lare to ignore make a feature out of it.

Good pinlining is very underated and an art form in itself, make yourself feal better by checking out the boards in the shop, I bet you’ll find a few flaws in those too.

pictures do wonders in situations like these. You have a picture of it?

Howzit commandant, A fourth option is you can hide the bleed by putting a laminate over it when you glass the deck or put a sticker after the board is done. In this day and age surfers put stickers all over their boards for what ever reasons. If you decide to paint the deck white try putting a couple of drops of black in the paint which will help keep the paint from yellowing ( a trick I learned from a house painter ). House painters do this for painting cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms because the cabinets tend to turn yellow after a while. Aloha,Kokua

Thanks for the advice all, I think I’ll very lightly sand out the worst of it and apply a sticker when I’m done.

