paint old blank?

I keep putting this one blank aside that I shaped almost two years ago. For whatever reason I keep putting newer boards before it. Of course it is now kind of yellow. I found that if I give it a light sand it looks fine. Can I just paint this sucker and glass away, or should I be concerned with the foam’s structural integrity?

I think the light sand, back to white, will have removed the oxidized/compromised foam, and you should be able to paint and glass away, without concern. More a cosmetic issue than a structural one.

This one board I shaped last month out of a pre-shaped Burford blank that had been lying on racks in the back of my shop since 1991… The side facing a window had yellowed quite seriously but the first sandscreen passes took it away and the foam was perfect underneath. I think you should not worry…

Thanks. I was hoping that it could be salvaged because I really like the shape. It follows a classic Steve Les fish template only I gave it harder rails. Looking it over I remembered why let it sit for so long. I was having a problem carving out the stringer from the butt crack of the tail. It’s a tight spot!