Paint problems...

Here’s a question for anyone who knows more than me (virtually everyone)- Can I airbrush a board one solid color after I have “filled-in/smoothed-out” a couple of scratches with lam resin, & it still look uniform? Actually, I just finished doing that & the “patches” look rather glossy compared to the foam. Any fix for this? Will it become more uniform once it dries & or after I sand the hotcoat? All responses greatly appreciated!

it will prob. dry out glossy…next time try a little light weight spackle. it works well on small areas…

I have had problems with the spackel thing it looked fine until you lay it up and then low and behold you see this spackel mark and youcan do nothing I dont know how big or deep these marks were but if there not that bad just leave them and just spray it and then when you lay it up just poo the lam resinin that spot like I said dont know how bad the thing is