Paint stencils?


What stencils do you use for spraying designs on your boards?

I have done a few basic areas using masking tape and wax paper but want to do more elaborate designs and was wondering what people use?




Be careful with oil board and epoxy. At school we have “overhead” sheets… basically 8.5x11 sheets of acetate. You can clean them easily and file them away and they last forever. Just make sure you keep them flat.

I don’t know what the pros use, but I’ve used acetate with decent results.


... stencils...for spraying designs on,,,boards?


Stiff file folder material, cut to your desired design, shape, or form.

For hand cutting you can use mylar, or oil board:

For stencil burning try this site:

For using a sign cutter/plotter,this stuff rules:

In the past I've used card of varying thickness but more reecently I've been laser cutting mine out of polypropylene sheet - which has been much better as I can just wipe clean and should last forever.



Ben Shipman used to use contact paper and he did some beautiful airbrushes that way.   Search shipman stencil and see what you get.