Painting boards (post pics)

i was wondering if anyone can give some good advise on painting eps foam? is it better to use water base paint, or oil base? if i decide to paint the fill coat, what is a good sealer to cover the paint job. if you got some pics of production, post em!!

I’ve used good quality acrylic house paint, either rolled on or sprayed, pissed down with water and bumped up the acrylic content by 10%.

Need to know if it is spackled or resin & micro-balloon sealed. EPS is not the best of surfaces to paint. Sorta like the lunar surface of the moon. Sometimes it is helpfull to put down a white base coat then airbrush or hand apply. Really any acrylic paint will work. Glass right over it. No sealing required. Nova Color or Liquitex style of paint will work. Low tack tape will not pull up paint too bad.

Good luck, Barry Snyder / Windigo Surfboards

For an even, clean paint job, you really need to spread thinned spackle over the whole board, sand smooth. Re-spackle and sand any areas that you’ve sanded down to the EPS. Rule of thumb: paint on the spackle.


Use good quality water-based acrylic paint. 

Just curious - has anyone tried sealing a blank with gesso before painting?  In a sense thats what its made for  - sealing a surface in preparation for paint.  I used to use it on raw canvas before painting.


Mix it with Fast 'n Final to make a slurry. If you look in the archives there some info about it. You can also use an exterior acrylic house paint that a has good a water resistant binder in it.



That’s a five gallon bucket of NovaColor Gesso in the pic.


I’ve used white gesso, but not for sealing. It was dripped on the board, mixed with other colors to make a multicolored pattern. It pushes the deeper colors away to create white spots and wavey shapes. It may work as a sealer, but it’s probably best to try a test piece with some scrap foam first. 

said it before I’ll say it again,

Paint with pigmented resin ,compatible and durable no delam only reinforcing layers.

hot-coat sand then glass- coherant app of color minimize fading.

primary goal durability and extended half life.

do what you want get what you deserve.

“honesty and integrity in materials and the working process”

words to live by co-opted from the fine art department of city college of san francisco

I dropped out in 1968.


wftb resin on foam.

pigment detail on hotcoat in white

polyurethane.resin on foam after 

bottom laminated clear.Cowboy wildman method not suitable for prime time productions


seal the blank with aerosil q-cell and epoxy sand and apply color on top.sand and glass.



oh yeah? my dad can take your dad.