Painting my blank

Wow am I hitting a brick wall... Have been asking around about painting a surfboard blank...But everyone is saying car paints, car paints... The problem is that car paints are so expensive and I'm wanting to put brushed paint paints dry too quick. Does any one anything else that I can use.Want to make sure I don't have any delams.. It needs to be on the blank itself ,as I'm not glassing it. Any suggestions would be great ...thanks all


Location matters location location location but has stated in the past he does not live location.

My brother paints cars. "Car Paint" is a meaningless statement. In California cars are being painted with water based paints and solvent based paints. Location matters...big time....and we won't get into all the gov BS with cars......

At this point....I'm with McDing....

Go easy on Australia mate, we are about to get smashed by a category 4 cyclone and why answer if you are getting frustrated by that. By the way , everyone here uses auto accrylic paint, not 2 pac, you can use water paint, bloody mud mixed with water if you want with a few squashed widgety grubs for extra colur and texture.

BIlly--don't need to create a folder as the archives have already done that.  Don't understand where your angst comes from, but not a problem.  There are two current threads regarding painting or sealing PU blanks.   Fry up some frog legs bro. 

Hi Yezma

I use basic artisits acrylic on the majority of my boards. As with every stage of making surfboards its fraught with difficulty. Basically dont have the paint too thick - and dont put it on thick. You can also use regular poster paint - the kind that kids use in school.

Whatever you do just streer away from anything oil based as it wont work with resin.




You can also just go to the hardware store and buy the Krylon H2O paint. It is water based and works great on surfboard foam. Just make sure…as Rich above says…you don’t spray it on to thick or you wont get good lamination when you glass. That rule goes for any paint. Since the rattle can is a little hard to control I keep a clean rag rear by just in case I spay it to heavy so I can just wipe or dab the access off with the rag. All the boards in the pic bellow were done with the H2O spray cans. Here is a link to the paint and the colors they offer-



      Howzit thirdshade,I used a lot of Basics paint and it is a good quality paint and they have some nice colors to pick from. When I had to tear down the shop and get rid of things I think I had 3 big boxes with paint and mixed custom colors and the guy I gave them to went crazy. Aloha,Kokua

Interior acrylic latex house paint or  artist acrylic that you can buy at Walmart.  I don't know why I even bother.  Search the archives.  There is another thread currently as well. about sealing a PU blank.  Go ahead use automotive paint, glass over it and see what happens.  Do a search.  Informing people about the same thing everyday or two or three times aday gets tiresome.  You answers are in the archives.

Thank you to all for your help in solving my paint problems.Today was my first day on this site ...and I shall be sure to look up the archives next time, before posting a question. My problem has been solved. On entering the art supply shop to get acrylics, I noticed 2 surfboards on the ceiling of the shop that had been painted. On enquiring, the shop assistant said that they had been done in artist acrylics. Just as she finished telling me, the very artist that did them walked into the shop. Hence , we had a great conversation and I've gone for the acrylics and poscas.

SO. again thank you all.

from Yezma

(from vicco, Australia)

So who’s forcing you to answer? Wait…are you the infamous Mr. Swaylock who must answer all questions?


Interior acrylic latex house paint or  artist acrylic that you can buy at Walmart.  I don't know why I even bother.  Search the archives.  There is another thread currently as well. about sealing a PU blank.  Go ahead use automotive paint, glass over it and see what happens.  Do a search.  Informing people about the same thing everyday or two or three times aday gets tiresome.  You answers are in the archives.



All my boards get auto paint ( has to be auto acrylic ) and they are fine. Longest serving one was 3 years with no ill effects.

I use acrylic paint from Michael’s or any other craft store. Must be water based then cut with water to the viscosity you want. I paint through a spray gun with tape off, but brush will do fine. Just cut the paint so it absorbs into the foam and the resin can still saturate for laminating.

So---------By your post I am assuming that you are telling me that you have sprayed a Polyurethane foam core(ie blank) with two-pac automotive acrylic and then laminated with polyester resin and cloth with good results? 

Billygoat------------Nobody's forcing me to do anything.  I am also far from Mr. Swawlock.  I think that title would go to someone from Australia.  It's frustrating and ridiculous to see people ask the same question everyday when at their fingertips are------------THE ARCHIVES.       PS -Almost forgot about you.  The "Southern Gentleman" from Alabamie.  Right?

Yes. I don't know why, but the auto acrylic paint made for cars ( in handy spray cans ) works very well. Never had a problem, apart from the ugly as f&ck spray jobs, but that's my issue, not the paint!.


Im not sure if its 2 pac though

McDingle- “Frustrating and ridiculous to see people ask the same question everyday” I would say yes.

                 “Frustrating and ridiculous to see people ask the same question everyday to the point where I will respond with a post about how tiresome it gets having to respond with a post.” I would say NO!

Your solution- avoid all this frustration by not reading post with titles like “Painting My Blank” since you feel that topic has been throughly covered. Then maybe you can avoid that “why do I bother responding” feeling that seems to be tormenting you. Me, I would rather just drop some of my personal tips just to be helpful.

Hey wait, I got an idea! Create a folder where you can save all the links to all the past Swaylock threads that you feel have thoroughly covered a topic.  Then you can grab the appropriate link later on and quickly post it on the threads of these posters who have yet to discover the archive! That would be easy and quick and might also help to alleviate some of your frustration.

Just trying to he helpful.  YE HA YALL!



It would be nice if the process that lists your location wasn’t some automated map search nonsense. When I tried to manually enter my locale, it produced some godforsaken spot in Texas. I do not reside in TX, nor would I dream of visiting that state.

so i take it you want members to put up all there details so some nut job can harrass them  (that should be a mater of choice)

mybe delete the user account of those that use pms to threaten members might be a good start



use water based paints and try to keep it as least textured as possible basically no lumpy chunks!! i had another good idea ive done but it requres inbetween the glass and hot coat gl


Location matters location location location but has stated in the past he does not live location.

My brother paints cars. "Car Paint" is a meaningless statement. In California cars are being painted with water based paints and solvent based paints. Location matters...big time....and we won't get into all the gov BS with cars......

At this point....I'm with McDing....

so i take it you want members to put up all there details so some nut job can harrass them  (that should be a mater of choice)

mybe delete the user account of those that use pms to threaten members might be a good start



Yes my friend...... location matters. I don't want your address. I don't even care about your city. I'm not harassing you. I like your posts. I've actually learned from you and I have a good idea where you're from. Just a general idea of where you live in your avatar would be cool. My location says California. It's a big place Huie....California.....But that helps people in France or New Zeland or Canada....or people in your town...maybe?

....and when it comes to paint...every 30-60 days someone asks about paint....

I don't use car paint for surfboard never know.....water based paints have come a long way in California.

Have a great day.........Stingray