parrallel universe

the existense of polar approaches to a problem are complementary.

the nebulus problem we have before us is gratification alright but on so many levels,it is gratifing to imagine plan and execute a toy/tool to access the “wave” of subcultural myth.The processes aside the goal remains the same the drop after weightlessness and to repeat…what we choose to ‘’ learn ‘’ is relative to our preconditional observations,what we can use to apply tp the real circumstance we live in…instructions to ride a point break are useless to a beach break resident rider…reef offshore reform connecting are useless to a jetty refracting wave mindset,to know my limits and accept them are a quest of self realiztion without the need/ help of a ziggurat or tower or … the capacity to make a boat from discarded roofing,a paddle from wood so light and beautiful only destined for a beach fire have stirring implications invisible to the headlong competitive drive to achieve measurable exactatude,ie the most accurate is perhaps the most highly skewed according to natural laws of erosion,gravity,or perhaps inner peace ( when in doubt bring up inner peace nothing pises off scientists and technicians more than inner peace).what I learn is what I coose to allow my self to learn teaching people with arms crossed or some other defensive posture is a challenge if not futile,I recognise this in myself and allow myself not to change and thereby continue to quest another higher or lower form that will surely be realized as complimentry somday if for nothing better than how to do it wrong…how could it work so well done wrong…ambrose…all around the cobblers bench the monkey chased the weasel the monkey thought twas all in fun,POP goes the weasel,penny for a spool o’ thread nickel for a needle thats the way the money goes Pop goes the weasel…happy memorial day to all our forbearers how ever we may be related we share the love of the sea that loves us more…ambrose…incarnate for the time being

…I see that we meet again…well,well,well…

…IfIhadeverbeenherebeforeIwouldprobablyknownjustwhattodo…don’t you?

…AND I FEEL…like I have beena… here before…

…and you know …it makes me wonder…what’s going on and under… the ground???

…We’ve been all here before…we have all been here before…we have all been here before…C.S.N.Y.

thanks for the support agent X12… ambrose…dads aligned

Like a ripple in still water,

Where there is no pebble tossed,

or wind to blow…

Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia

I don’t know about you guys, but there ain’t no two of me. There’s nothing scientific about God’s mercy. Can’t have no parallel universes collidin". That would be pure “Chaos Theory”. McDing

…loosen up …says Juan the bell maker.

feild marshall Von Ding the loose parallel universe reference was an allusion pointing out the diverse justifications ,or criteerion ,in place pursuiant to the efficient riding of waves… ambrose …the bell tolls for thee…and me …dig the effluzient resonance it just dont stop if you can be quiet,enough…

Efficiency isnt all that fun. To pretend that you are somewhere you arent and to live perpendicularly with the one single piece of 1x2 12 foot cedar ripping all the way to the side of the tin but where are the rest of the pieces that must lie parallel to the existing piece. Perpendicular to something I feel sure. The dry reef at aninni this morning now that was more impressive than the single piece of 1x2 cedar siding that was produced by the effort. But was it efficient?

All will be revealed,in the fullness of time.

In college we were asked to recite a poem to the class. I picked one that one simple and to the point:

Carnation Milk is the best in the land.

Why here I sit with a can in my hand.

No tits to pull, no hay to pitch,

You just poke a hole in the son of a bitch.


My professor wasn’t amused.

I earned a C.

Hey Ambrose – tell your dad to say hi to my dad. He’s a new arrival…

when he drops in I’ll tell 'im.You can tell Him too … they are the collective mind… when we think of them they all feel it and whem we think of two at once from our different respective points of light we make an arc of light…when they chose to pass they gave us our promotion to this position of no longer the kid … we are the responsible parties ,though sobering it may be but we now carry on the “”----------" whatever that might be that those fathers of ours left us in trust…love of … passion for…respect for…assigned value to…though he may be unknown to my concious memory… just the thought of the passing of another dad refreshes my sense of my own mortality and my silent longing for reunion and love of life … ambrose … a finer group of shipmates never was assembled bless em all,an us too by the by