Paul UX: a new french on Swaylock's

Hello to all,

my name is jerome lagarde and i am a french shaper amateur (in Dieppe / Normandie).

I’m just a reader off Swaylock’s, where there are a lot off informations, because I think my english is too bad ; perhaps I could improve it with you…

This is my last board:

8’4’’ x 23" x 3"


Rails: 50/50 boxy ; 40/60 in the tail ; tucked in the middle.

Laminate hull : 1x6 oz + fin patch 1x6 oz

Laminate deck : 2x6 oz + patch 1x6 oz

Pinline : Poska with hand

Hotcoat : Epoxy

Gloss : Polyester

And more pictures on Myspace…


I try again for see pictures:

Hi Paul, Nice to meet you,

Your einglish is fine, much much better than my french. I remember you said you also post on shapper room, I’m sure there a few guys from there that also post here

I tried to put your pics up but I couldn’t, to post pic in the body of the text look for this icon:

on the top right of the tool bar. click on it paste in the URL

or up load the pics from your computer with the tool bar on the bottom: though there is a max file size of 34K doing it this way.

Encore plus facile: puisque tes photos sont sur Imageshack: choisis le DERNIER code qu’ils te donnent pour une photo, puis, dans le texte de ta réponse, tape: et hop, miracle, ça marche…

Thank you very much for your reception and for your help.

So, I try again:

welcome to Sway’s Paul

nice outline on that longboard

Thank for your comment Ken



Board looks good! Hows the surf in Normandie?

Hi Jerome,

love that logo; tres cool!

Chipper, come home!

Thank you so much for your pleasant comments.

Yes, my logo is like that to say: for me, shape and surf is just a pleasure for fun ; I just want take pleasure and improve my skill.

Surf in Normandie is, how can I say…: do not grow enough.

If you want to see some photos and movies, about surf in Dieppe, we have a site here:

and after click on “Dieppe glisse le site” (at left)

and after in “sessions” → “surf” (at the bottom in left)
