peaman, devon?

did you go this weekend? looked pretty nice! if you didnt go shame on you! [blush]) missed another nice swell over here in nice wet ireland, but another due in this week!

did you go this weekend? looked pretty nice! if you didnt go shame on you! > [blush]) missed another nice swell over here in nice wet ireland, but another > due in this week! I was wondering if you had Great Whites in your water in Ireland? I know this isn’t the same topic, but i was wondering? Thanks, Stephen Berube

I couldnt get down to the beach in time. Had to work at the factory folding boxes until 3pm, then the wife wanted me to mow the lawn. So by the time i broke free of the ball and chain, the wind had gone onshore. Im probably going to head to easkey this weekend, or maybe Thurso if Ethel will give me back the keys to the van. Peaman>>> did you go this weekend? looked pretty nice! if you didnt go shame on you! > [blush]) missed another nice swell over here in nice wet ireland, but another > due in this week!

I was wondering if you had Great Whites in your water in Ireland? I know > this isn’t the same topic, but i was wondering? Thanks, Stephen Berube Mmmmm So I’ve suddenly got a job in a box factory?? And I’ve been mowing the lawn, and nagging the wife to the keys to my van?? Mmmmmmm. I hope this was a genuine mistake, and not my new stunt double!!! Laters Peaman