pencil designs on Poly blank

Saw one of Manny’s boards that he had a guy do some artwork with a soft pencil on the blank. Looked really nice, and I was thinking of trying it on my new log. Any reasons not to? I don’t see why not, except I was worried that it might “smudge” or run when being glassed (poly resin)…Thought I’d ask the Swizards first…

A light spray of clear lacquer will ‘‘fix’’ the graphite so it won’t smudge.

Thanks Bill-

No issues with the glass/resin bonding to the laquer? What kind of laquer exactly? I need to buy it probably…

…I did several

no problem

you dont even need a laquer, however depends on the type of draw, I mean if you use a 6B galore…well yes you ll have some crap

use H (draw) HB (outlining, but ease) , 2B (mostly) 4B (shadows) 6B (touches)

-I d used mixed with airbrush too

good effects

I dont have any pict

Thanks reverb…

Now go take some pics so I can see… :wink:

Tenover, Before I knew about Sways or Posca’s I did pinlines and such directly on the foam with charcoal pencils. They’ll smudge if you are not careful,but not run. Mike

Hey Tenover,

I spray a light coat of Petroleum based acrylic clear (Automotive) over artwork on foam before laminating, as Bill suggests.

It can also be done with water based clear, though the thickness with water based is more fussy:- Too thick and you start filling the foam pores, affecting lamination bond strength. Always allow water based a full drying time, like, overnight, and avoid it in colder climes…

Just about any kind of marker can work if its sealed. You don’t want nasty surprise bleeding. I’ve seen charcoal used.


Hi Scott,

would you consider doing the pencil on a sanded hotcoat?

check this old thread out:

sharp teeth!

the guy’s got skills

