Perfect noseride..

What would your perfect dimensions be for a 9’6" single fin noserider? The rider would be between 180 and 200 lbs.

What would your perfect dimensions be for a 9’6" single fin > noserider? The rider would be between 180 and 200 lbs. How about 20" blunt nose with a nipple 23" wide and a 15" square tail 3 1/2" nose rocker and between 4 3/4 and 5 1/2 rocker in the tail depending on your height eg. taller less and shorter more.

weekend - southern calif. - sorry no dimensions, but prior to really seeing it this weekend . . . . didn’t believe it could be done so radically - or that it was some old-fashioned 50’s thing that wasn’t a big deal. Seeing it on a good sized wave - doesn’t have to be big - was awesome! New respect for the term.

weekend - southern calif. - sorry no dimensions, but prior to really > seeing it this weekend . . . . didn’t believe it could be done so > radically - or that it was some old-fashioned 50’s thing that wasn’t a big > deal. Seeing it on a good sized wave - doesn’t have to be big - was > awesome! New respect for the term. …9’-6" - 10’-6" step deck round pin,deep single.Herb

NR’s shouldn’t be over 9’6" esp. for your size because you arn’t too too heavy. you need to be able to walk back and forth from the nose. plus you want to turn the thing over 10 feet is just a plank. 9’6" is great 19.5" nose 15" tail medium-round 50/50 rails, and rail to rail concave. put a 9" or 9.5" hatchet fin in, it will pivit alot better and hold in the water on your nose rides.

NR’s shouldn’t be over 9’6" esp. for your size because you arn’t too > too heavy. you need to be able to walk back and forth from the nose. plus > you want to turn the thing over 10 feet is just a plank. 9’6" is > great 19.5" nose 15" tail medium-round 50/50 rails, and rail to > rail concave. put a 9" or 9.5" hatchet fin in, it will pivit > alot better and hold in the water on your nose rides. …I think you’re thinking of a plank ,maybe that’s what you get…I was talking BOSS.Herb

…I think you’re thinking of a plank ,maybe that’s what you > get…I was talking BOSS.Herb he asker for a nose rider…thats the dim’s of one 9’6" 23 3 1/8" 19.5 15. the same style board that joel tudor rides. if its a plank…its a plank. but anything over 10 foot is a plank. You knwo what else is a plank, 8’ deep cut twinzer fish’s! those things are gayer than 10 footers.

he asker for a nose rider…thats the dim’s of one 9’6" 23 3 > 1/8" 19.5 15. the same style board that joel tudor rides. if its a > plank…its a plank. but anything over 10 foot is a plank. You knwo what > else is a plank, 8’ deep cut twinzer fish’s! those things are gayer than > 10 footers. …are you a homophobe?

He ain’t worth the time bro.

He ain’t worth the time bro. I agree with John M.

I could care less about twinzers and homophobic surfers. You all drifted way off the original post regarding a perfect nose riding 9’6" singlefin. I guess there’s only one good suggestion in this thread. Any other dimensions or designs out there?

I could care less about twinzers and homophobic surfers. You all drifted > way off the original post regarding a perfect nose riding 9’6" > singlefin. I guess there’s only one good suggestion in this thread. Any > other dimensions or designs out there? How about 9’6"…14" tail…23" wide…18"nose…31/4"thick…flat rocker in front with a kicked up tail,round pin…long concave thru the nose.Heavy weight retro clark foam blank…7.5 oz. volan glass job,gloss and polish.Put a fin box in it so you can try different fins.No hard edges…60/40 rails in center and down in the tail with a soft vee.Triple stringers with a wood tail block.No leash.

I could care less about twinzers and homophobic surfers. You all drifted > way off the original post regarding a perfect nose riding 9’6" > singlefin. I guess there’s only one good suggestion in this thread. Any > other dimensions or designs out there? …I think I answered the question,correctly.Herb

…I think I answered the question,correctly.Herb Yo Herb I went ahead and answered the question even though I really didn’t understand what in the hell the question was.By the way…when are you going to engineer us a cordless planer? What about the tie dye color trick?Martha Stewart is craving a board.

How about 9’6"…14" tail…23" > wide…18"nose…31/4"thick…flat rocker in front with a kicked > up tail,round pin…long concave thru the nose.Heavy weight retro clark > foam blank…7.5 oz. volan glass job,gloss and polish.Put a fin box in it > so you can try different fins.No hard edges…60/40 rails in center and > down in the tail with a soft vee.Triple stringers with a wood tail > block.No leash. NOW you’re talkin’…except I need a leash plug. Are most good noseriders designed with good rocker in the tail and soft rails all around?

NOW you’re talkin’…except I need a leash plug. Are most good noseriders > designed with good rocker in the tail and soft rails all around? This a confusing subject and there is a lot of stuff in the archives on this matter.An important factor is skill level and the type of waves that you are riding.A guy like Joel Tudor can rip on anything that you put him on…this is not the normal situation.My ideas on this matter deal with perfect Malibu type point surf,and old style cross stepping trim moves.When you get down to the nitty gritty of the subject it will all boil down to your ability.As for my humble opinion I stick with the theory of lots of tail rocker,softer rails,and more weight for stability and drive…the nose concave is up to you.If you want to trip over a leash go for it.

NR’s shouldn’t be over 9’6" esp. for your size because you arn’t too > too heavy. you need to be able to walk back and forth from the nose. plus > you want to turn the thing over 10 feet is just a plank. 9’6" is > great 19.5" nose 15" tail medium-round 50/50 rails, and rail to > rail concave. put a 9" or 9.5" hatchet fin in, it will pivit > alot better and hold in the water on your nose rides. Gene Gore at our local break(before he moved). Beautiful arm-spread cutbacks on a single-fin, 20" wide-nosed 10 footer spraying shouder-hoppers on their 9 foot “noseriders”. Hell, he would even pull in on that thing. Made us all feel like kooks.

Gene Gore at our local break(before he moved). Beautiful arm-spread > cutbacks on a single-fin, 20" wide-nosed 10 footer spraying > shouder-hoppers on their 9 foot “noseriders”. Hell, he would > even pull in on that thing. Made us all feel like kooks. Ever see Steve Bigler surf? Style personified!!!

get a leash plug . . … then I can swim your board to you