A little help here, this year I made a 10’-0" (Blue) three stringer, I glassed it 6/6 top 6 bottom (hey I wasn’t into Swaylocks yet). I don’t think it’ll break but what a slug! I going to try again this time a 11’-3’D RED @10’-6". Bear in mind, I’m a Polyester oldtimer into lightness first and I keen on using overlap to produce flex and snap.
You’ll never get “lightness” out of a three stringer Poly. So don’t sweat the Kilos. But a 6/4 deck and a freelap might result in a few ounces…
Performance LB’s are normally 9’ max @ 2-1/2" thick and glassed 4/4 deck x 4/0 bottom. They last about 15 minutes. There’s nothing performance or lightweight about 10 feet, it’ll never be more than a log. If you make it thin, the only flex and snap will be the repairs you’ll be doing. If you need a 10’ poly due to your size, drop down to around 9’ using eps and adjust the outline accordingly. It definitely won’t be a slug if you get the shape right.
Thanks, you have a point. I rode the "slug" and that's alota board, I was lucky and generally the fins would release and we were able to save it in sticky situations that happened during some overeager testing. These boards (10’&over) are really just cruisers. I generally ride a 9’-0”, this idea of the 10+ would make my surf’s in knee high stuff a little easier. Hey I 60 something. Loved Skip Fyre’s gliders.
Much aloha to you my friend and your input is valued. I’ve been able to face up to the facts. However even “gliding” I just wanta rip a turn here and there.
Thank you brother!
I made a 17 lb 10’er out of a Clark Ultra Light when they first came out 6/4 deck 6 bottom no gloss which was 5lbs lighter than the same board out of a green density blank. 6/6 top 6 bottom with gloss. The lighter board also had a nice carbon fiber full length top and bottom strip couple inches wide. Probably would have snaped it without the carbon fibre. Lighter blank Red 6/4 top 6 or if you do not mind more dents 4 oz bottom 5/16" maybe 1/4 stringer is gonna be as lght and “safe” as I would go. The rest is up to the shape and rider as far as “performance”. Or EPS.