has anyone tried to add pigments to the gloss coat and have it sand and polish out nicely?
Looks like a popout, the Surftech kind, but doesn’t cover nearly as well, as glosscoat by nature is much thinner than needed for opaque. Splotchy. Colors are usually dull.
Not nearly as good as gel coat.
I generally pigment (opaque) my hotcoats to cover up some of the usual rough areas on the pigmented lamination (same color of course). This effectively opaques the weave, and that’s why they sometimes look like a surftech. Using a clear glosscoat gives more depth and reduces the surftech look. There’s no reason why you can’t pigment your glosscoat, it will still polish out OK. Just use a bit more catalyst because of the pigment. If you’re trying to do a recolor job with a pigmented gloss, forget it. After sanding, you’ll have a blotchly mess. You can’t get even color with a gloss or hotcoat since the thickness will vary .
Just like Pete said, it’s best to only put color in the cloth lay up. After that your pretty much asking for trouble. If your looking to recolor a nasty looking board, first get the board completely sanded smooth and flat, finish it except for the gloss coat. Spray it lightly with a water based color job of your choice, then gloss coat it and buff it out. easy.
Hey, I just did a board that was:
sprayed red on the foam
red pigmented lam with cut laps
red pigmented hot coat
red pigmented gloss coat.
So, it CAN be done, obviously.
Why? I dunno. I was seeing red. Now if I get a ding, it’s going to be easy to tell if it went all the way through to the foam.
Pigmented colors were an industry standard back in the 60’s.Panels,solids,competition bands etc.They were all done on the hotcoat and 90% of the time glossed over.It adds lot of weight but back then we were were using heavy foam and double ten ounce glass jobs.On modern boards you may have some problems with surface cracking.You can get the same look by spraying opaque acrylic and then glossing it. RB
it was to cover up a colored laminate gone bad. i’ll just have to watch out next time. the blotchy colored glass coat will probably end up looking worse than what i have so far. how much weight would be added by going over the whole board with pigmented laminate resin before the gloss? the boards is a 5’9 fish. thanks
Now that we know what you doing, you’ll get more specific answers. I assume you’ve already hotcoated and the pigment is an opaque. Sand down everything flat, almost to the weave. Re-laminate using 4 oz. and enough pigment to get 90% opaque of the same color used on the original lam. Color the hotcoat if still blotchy. Skip the gloss and polish the hotcoat if weight is an issue. On an average fish, this will add 5 lbs at the most. The board will be much stronger though.
thanks petec. this board was the end of the roll of cloth so i just glossed it. not the greatest looing but its a nice shape so i’ll have fun riding it.