Pin line tool

What is this tool that guys use for pin lining or drawing guidelines for the pin line and can be used for rail band guidelines?

Steve: I believe what is used is the homemade tool like the one Peter has on the Boards>>Diagrams posting. For laying out rail band guides, simply an L-shaped guide with holes to push your pencil through at varying distances from the outer rail line. Another variation on this same tool that I use for color tint cut laps is one on which I’ve screwed a cheap box knife that holds a straight edge razor blade. Lay down a 2" wide piece of masking tape along the rail where you will make your cut lap, take the “tool” and slide it down the rail (perpendicular to rail) and the razor will cut the xtra wide tape a uniform width from the rail line. Same principle with desing variations will work on doing paint pen pin lines. For resin pins I use the marking device with light pencil for a guide when laying down tape. tom>>> What is this tool that guys use for pin lining or drawing guidelines for > the pin line and can be used for rail band guidelines?