So I had some bleeding under my cutlap and want to cover it.
Ive gone through the archives and i’ll probably go with the india ink or a posca, is it possible to get this at art shops ?
I did a small band of filler over my laps, I was just wondering if there is a difference between finishing resin and filler resin. My plan was to use my blending hotcoat for the pinline and then hotcoat over the whole board/ pinline as usual.
p.s im not too sure why I got bleeding, I pressed the tape firmly down and double checked it to make sure it was tight to the glass ? ? ? Anybody got some tips so this doesnt happen ?
Next time make sure you use the best tape you can get a hold of and after you lay it down go over it with an angled razor blade moving away from the sharp point in both directions. Also thoroughly blow off all dust with an air compressor before you lay the tape down.
The bleeding happens when you over work the resin toward the
tape and push it under the tape.the less you work it the better.
Try a weaker mix { less activator} applied around the rail
to give better first time resin saturation of the reinforcement that way you won’t
have to overwork the lap line or rail. The old pro that taught me pre coats the whole
board using a fine hair roller prior to each lamination. You don’t have to try
KNOW YOU CAN! What you have done in
the big scheme is acceptable in my book any way matey.
I agree with hydroskipper, its doesn’t look bad. Seems from the picture you’re using the right tape (233). You can just use the 233 1/2" tape to bend around the nose - save yourself the hassle of cutting tape in half.
Insansecutback: im using the 3m green tape, and did just like you said with the razor blade moving it at an angle. Like the guy does in the fibreglass hawaii tutorial on pinlines. Im thinking its more what skipper is on to. When I laid out my resin I was runnning really short and most of my laps had big dry spots. I flipped the laps up onto the board and poured my last remaining resin onto them but stil had a few small dry spots. I then dabbed on with a brush more resin to the dry spots and pulled it all tight.
So from what you’ve explained skipper im still abit confused, but Im guessing that Ive just overworked the area and pulled it to tight entailing me to push resin under the tape. ? |
If you baste right after doing the first lam it will fill the cells enough to keep the resin from leaching under and if it does leach a little it will be much easier to clean up with a razor blade.
I always use resin for pinlines, once you perfect it it’s much easier than dealing wit the pitfalls of paint or posca.
sorry to hear. someone here did a very cool sort of a pinline using a foam paint brush and just dabing in at an angle, using acrylic. looked like vegetation, sort of a bamboo motif, very abstract, but very tidy. I will see if I can find a pic and post. it was fairly broad and would cover a bigger area.
Thanks for the help GregTate, Gcoop, surfding. Might do abit more research before I try them again. I ended up going at the india ink with acetone and a razorblade, got most of the ink out but it still looked like crap, decided to cover the whole board in a black filler to make it seem intentional. made some sand throughs and then re-hotcoated. The guy I made it for loved it, looks especially cool when its wet.
Often thought about doing a similar finish to save a booboo lam. But like I read on here, some of the best outcomes arise out of the fixing of mistakes. Dig the foil shot, with the fin placement and foil, did you hull this one out?