Place to go glass my board?

I just glassed the bottom of my first board with poly, I did it outside and wore a respirator and when I took it off I couldn’t belive the smell, it’s not something I want hanging around my house and I don’t want to piss off my neighbors.  I still have the top to glass + one more board, anyone know of any glassing shops where they will let you come in and glass your board there?  I suppose I might have to know a guy but I’d figure I’d ask if any of you guys have done anything like this before.  I’m located in San Diego.


The smell won’t be hanging around the house once it becomes solid.  Next board give epoxy resin a try. Polyester doesn’t bother me personally,but it bugs my wife. So I use epoxy now and she doesnt know what’s going on up in the shop. Neither will your neighbors. Cant answer you about a place to glass unless you want to make an 8 hour drive north to do it. mike

It’s good to piss off the neighbors once in a while.  Keeps them on their toes.

They built a McMansion next door to me.  I bet the new neighbors are cusing me right now for sanding boards today while their new black Masseratti was parked in the driveway down wind.



Remember that skate related t shirt from the 80s that said  “Afflict the Comfortable”?

Theres an Epoxy shop that will but not poly.

We tinkered with the idea of DIY glassing until my insurance got ahold of it. Im not even sure how the epoxy shop does it unless they are flying under the radar with insurance.

Just talk to your neighbors  explain what you are going. tell them 1 day you will have it done. and you wont do any more. 

Knock em out.



Be careful with that depending on what municipality you  are in.


A long time ago I had a shop setup in my garage, sanded in my driveway , pull through, behind the house, not visible from the street.


Ended up getting a ticket something along the line of dispersing a nuisance dust without permit or proper containment methods… 580.00 bucks that was in like 2000 or something.

if you have a garage or indoor space, add one of these:

they wall mount, have a remote and you can get VOC filters for them.  for glassing, they are great.  for sanding, they work if you also use a 1hp-1 1/2 hp dust collector.  check or for an inexpensive dust collector and spend the money on a good collection bag (3 micron bag should suffice) and “Big Gulp” dust collection hood.

if you don’t have an indoor space readily available, check in with local artists.  you might be able to share rental of studio space.  


…its cool to live in a millionaires neighborhood; and if some day you ll piss, well, you can ask a ridiculous price for your house and move it on.

When I bought the place 20 years ago it was the nicest house in the shittyest neighborhood on the island.  Crack houses and boarded up shacks around me.  Payed next to nothing for it but I was right down the street from the best surf in the area.  My buddy nicknamed me The Pioneer for having the balls to be the first person not of the particular race of that neighborhood to buy a house there.  A few more surfers moved into the neighborhood in the late 90s and we began calling it the Surf Ghetto.   Then the building boom hit.  Now I have the eye sore in the neighborhood surrounded by new McMansions.  Only a few of us surfers left here now as the rest cashed out on their properties when the prices went crazy.  Sometimes you get lucky.